Birthday wishes

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(Now this might be a little sad so be prepared)
The next day it was Stella's birthday, Stella shifted in her bed and woke up slowly, she certainly didn't expect the maids to hold up a galaxy star dress with lavender sequins stars on the lavender fabric and gold fabric, on it was lavender sequin stars on the lavender fabric and gold sequin star on the gold fabric, her eyes widen as she knew what it was, she knew that it was her birthday which she hated it because it was the day her grandmother was killed, she sighed and put on a fake smile, "Thanks for the dress!" Stella said giving them a small smile, the maids nodded and left the room, Stella sighed and got dressed, after, the maids done her hair and put mascara on her and that was it. Stella wasn't to big on makeup, after, she went downstairs and found her family waiting.

"Oh, my dear, you look so wonderfully beautiful!" Cressida smiled sweetly, "Yeah sis! now come on! your birthday breakfast is gonna get cold!" Ascella grinned, Stella smiled and went into the kitchen and ate with her family, after, she helped set up the preparations for the ball, she handed out invitations on the galaxy and earth, after she was done she went to her room and went on the balcony and learned against the railing staring at the sky, she sighed and smiled a little.

Soon it was evening where the guests will be arriving soon, she waited with her family and soon cars, limos and carriages arrived, royals, rich and your local domestic people, "Welcome, Welcome!" Danica grinned, "You all can explore, talk or dance amongst yourself, for now, enjoy!" Danica grinned, Everyone cheered.

Stella was drinking punch when someone tapped her on the shoulder she turned around and was very surprised to see Kyler there, she blushed as she saw him, he had a white suit on him with a black belt around him with his black pants with gold shoes. "So, how do I look?" Kyler asked with an eyebrow raised, "You look amazing!" Stella grinned, Kyler smiled and was about to say something when a group of rich and royals huddled around her talking all at once, Kyler backed away and left while Stella looked a little sad so she put on a fake smile and started talking to them.

After an hour of the ball and talking with the people she soon excused herself and walked away with a sad face, Kyler noticed this and excused himself from the girls and followed her.

Kyler followed Stella making sure to keep quiet, he kept following when Stella reached a glowing galaxy door, his eyes widen and he hid behind the wall and watched Stella open it and closed it. He turned his head both ways and went to the door and opened it and closed it behind him, his eyes widen at the sight, it was a galaxy garden, it had wonderful trees and plants with magnificent fountains at the end it was a beautiful galaxy tree, his eyes sparkled at the sight, then his eyes shifted to a figure at the tree, he narrowed his eyes and found it was Stella sitting there and he heard slight crying? Why was Stella crying? He walked over and tapped her on the shoulder, she jolted at the touch and whipped around quickly, "H-Huh?... K-Kyler, what... what are you doing here?" Stella wiped her face sniffling, "Oh, Well I was walking around and some how ended up here." Kyler said, Stella nodded slightly. "So why are you crying?" Kyler asked, Stella snapped her head up to him, so fast her neck cracked a little, "I wasn't crying, shut up!" Stella snapped turning around, Kyler held up his hands, "Ok, ok, i didn't mean to say that!" He said quickly.

It was a quiet moment before Stella sniffles again, Kyler looked down to her again and saw a grave in front of Stella that he didn't notice before, he read the grave and immediately realized why Stella was crying and looking sad, it was her grandmother's grave. Kyler saw it was the same date as Stella birthday when her grandmother died, "Stella... come here." Kyler said a little firm but gently, Stella looked up with confused but teary eyes, she got up and walked to Kyler confused. She was surprised when Kyler wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close, "Stella, it's ok just let it out." Stella put her hands on his chest and buried her head in his chest, then she bursted out crying, "I am so sorry Stella about your grandmother, I didn't know she died on your birthday... let it all out..." Kyler soothed quietly a tear falling out, "T-Thank you Kyler..." Stella whimpered out and continued crying.

After 40 minutes of crying, Stella finally calmed down, "You ok now?" Kyler asked, Stella nodded quietly. "Y-Yes... i'm ok now.." Stella sighed, Kyler nodded, "God... I hate my birthday..." Stella said quietly. It was quiet a moment, "You don't mind if I ask how did your grandmother die? If it's too much for you!" Kyler said quickly. Stella looked at Kyler for a moment then sighed, "It's ok, can we sit down?" Stella asked, Kyler nodded and sat down with Stella still in his arms.

Stella sighed and finally spoke, "Well it started on my 6th birthday when I woke up, I went downstairs saw my grandmother surprising me with a whole birthday breakfast feast, after we ate she helped me get dressed in the new birthday dress she got me and after a few hours later we had a ball, we were dancing and having fun, but then suddenly I wandered off into the palace garden and then suddenly I saw our enemy, the galaxy dragon king they saw me and started chasing me I screamed for help and I guess my grandmother heard me and came to my help she told everyone to evacuate the castle, of course the guards helped fight off the dragons, I tried to go back in but my family kept holding me back, then I ran off and went to the back way. Of course my family followed and and didn't make it in time before I heard my grandmother scream I rushed to the scene and saw blood flowing on the ground and I saw my grandmother on the floor, dead, I broke down crying and suddenly my powers started flying everywhere and it made the dragon king and his followers disappear to the spirit world, I laid there crying on my grandmother's body, I swore to get revenge one day when the galaxy dragon king returns, a few days later we had her funeral here in this very garden, every year on my birthday I come here to grieve and remind myself it was my fault she died, if I hadn't wandered off she wouldn't have died... so yea, that's why I hate my birthday..." Stella said in a regretful voice, her voice wavering a little as if she was about to cry again.

Kyler was shocked at the story and gave Stella a really sad look, "I am so sorry this happened to you Stella..." Kyler said quietly. At this point Stella burst into tears and hugged Kyler tightly, Kyler hugged back and held her, rocking back and forth and whispering sweet soothing words to her.

After a few minutes Stella looked up and wiped her eyes, smiling, "I-I feel better now... thanks for understanding me and helping me, I really needed that to get off my chest, thank you so much Kyler!" Stella hugged him, Kyler hugged back. They stayed like this when they both jerked away when they heard a voice it was Stella older sister Adhara calling for Stella. Stella and Kyler laughed a little, "Well, we should go now before they send out search parties." Stella giggled and Kyler laughed. "Yeah, we should." They got up and walked to the door.

"We will end this ball with a dance! Featuring Stella!"Her mom Cressida said into the microphone, Everyone cheered, "She will pick a man to dance with so Stella come to the dance floor!" Her mom cheered, Everyone cheered when Stella came into view, "Stella will now choose her man to dance with!" Cressida said, Stella walked around looking for a man then she saw Kyler and went to him, "Kyler Passion, will you dance with me?" Stella asked, Kyler looked surprised and looked around, then he smiled and nodded, "Yes, my princess." Kyler said while Stella blushed, Kyler took her hand and went to the dance floor and got into position, soon the music started playing, they started to sway with each other. They both stared deeply into each other eyes, and kept dancing then they hugged each other and continued to dance the night away.

Soon the ball was over and Stella said her goodbyes and good nights and went to her room, she leaned against the balcony and looked at the stars with lots of love in her eye's, she sighed, "I love you Kyler, thanks for today." Stella went to her bed and closed her eyes and smiled with full of love she fell asleep.
Sorry if it was too sad but I hope you enjoy the sad but beautiful moment! Goodnight/Good day!

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