Italian night

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Loid had decided to take Yor on a romantic date and therefore asked Franky to babysit Anya

The couple were going to eat at an Italian restaurant

As they walked to the restaurant, Loid was dying to take Yor's hand

The young woman was smiling softly, she was so eager to spend some time with her Loid, just the two of them, with no one to disturb them

Slowly and tenderly, Loid approached his hand to Yor's and took it tenderly and lovingly in his own

Surprised, Yor blushed a little and smiled even more

The couple looked at each other, smiling tenderly and blushing

Loid tenderly and lovingly tightened his hand on his Yor's and Yor tenderly and lovingly cuddled her head against her Loid's shoulder, closing her eyes, happy

Tenderly and lovingly, Loid cuddled his cheek in his wife's beautiful black hair, closing his eyes, happy

After a few minutes of walking, they had arrived at the restaurant

"Good evening, welcome !" Said kindly and cheerfully a waitress with an Italian accent

"Good evening, I had reserved a table for my wife and I, it's in the name of Forger" Said Loid, squeezing his hand tenderly on his Yor's

Smiling fondly, Yor naturally stroked her Loid's hand with her thumb

"Come, your table is right here" Said the waitress kindly and cheerfully

Loid and Yor followed then the waitress

Loid had requested that their table be romantically decorated

The couple sat down at their table and the waitress went to get them the menu

"Do you like it, my love ?" Asked Loid tenderly, still holding his wife's hand in his

Yor nodded tenderly, smiling tenderly

"Everything is absolutely perfect, thank you my love" Smiled Yor tenderly

Unable to resist any longer, Loid tenderly and lovingly kissed his Yor

Yor smiled tenderly into the kiss, surprised and happy

They were just so madly in love with each other

La giovane coppia che aveva prenotato un tavolo è appena arrivata, sono davvero adorabili e formano una coppia molto bella (The young couple who had reserved a table has just arrived, they are really adorable and form a very beautiful couple) Said the waitress happily to the cook

Benissimo! Sto preparando una sorpresa per loro prima della fine del pasto (Great ! I'm preparing a surprise for them before the end of the meal) Replied the cook happily

A little later in the evening, as Loid and Yor were eating, looking at each other tenderly, smiling fondly and tenderly holding hands, the cook approached them, playing the accordion and singing a song

The couple were surprised and moved

"Night, beautiful night

Under an Italian sky

We call you bella note

And under the skies

Eyes full of stars

We call you bella note

O night, beautiful night

Under an Italian sky

We call bella note

We call bella note"

Yor had stars and tears in her eyes, amazed and moved

Loid still held her hand tenderly and lovingly in his own and kissed it tenderly and lovingly repeatedly

A little later that evening, the couple returned home, cuddled tenderly and lovingly against each other and holding hands tenderly and lovingly

Yor had her head tenderly and lovingly cuddled against her husband's shoulder and Loid had his cheek cuddled in his wife's beautiful black hair and placed tender kisses on her head

"It was the most beautiful evening of my entire life, thank you my love" Whispered Yor tenderly

Loid smiled fondly

"I'm glad you liked it, my heart, you deserve it so much" Loid placed a tender kiss on his Yor's head again

Smiling tenderly, Yor tenderly looked up at her Loid and looked at him with love and tenderness

"I love you"

Surprised and happy, Loid smiled tenderly and blushed a little

"I love you too my love"

Tenderly and lovingly, Loid and Yor kissed, smiling tenderly in the kiss

They were just so madly in love with each other

After a few minutes of walking, they were back home

Smiling tenderly, they discovered that Anya and Franky had fallen asleep in front of the television, Anya snuggled tenderly against Bond

Loid turned then off the television

"Let's go to bed too, my love

- Together ? In the same room ?

- Of course, my love" Smiled Loid tenderly before stealing a tender and loving kiss from his wife and leading her tenderly and lovingly by the hand in his room

Yor smiled tenderly, so happy

They were just so madly in love with each other and the happiest in the world, forevermore

Loid x Yor OS CollectionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora