The Forgers' Holiday Special

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In a few days it's Christmas and Yor absolutely wanted to find the perfect gift for her Loid

She had already found Anya's present but not Loid's

The young woman loved her husband so much and she just wanted the best for him

Happily, Yuri knocked on the door of the Forgers' home

Yor had asked him to come and help her find the perfect gift for her Loid

The young woman had obviously omitted to tell her brother for whom the gift was intended

"Yahoo-hoo! I'm here, Sis !" Said Yuri happily when Yor opened the door for him

"Hello Yuri" Smiled Yor, closing the door behind her "Are we going ?"

Yuri nodded happily and together with his sister they headed to the mall

"What are you looking for as a present, sis ?

- The perfect gift par excellence !" Replied Yor happily, heading happily through the different aisles of the mall

Yuri smiled, following his sister

"By the way, sis, you still haven't told me who the gift was for

- Oh that's right, it's for my Loid" Replied Yor happily, starting to look at the different men's clothes that a shop was selling

"Lottie of course ..." Yuri grimaced and grumbled a little

"Something wrong ?

- No sis, don't worry, let's find the perfect gift for your husband"

Yor nodded happily, smiling and they entered the shop

Finally they come out a few minutes later, empty-handed

Yor was a bit desperate

"Don't despair, sis, you'll find something" Said Yuri, trying to reassure his sister "Come on, there's another shop over there, let's go"

Yor nodded and they headed to the shop

Unfortunately it was another failure

A little later in the evening, Yor had returned home, empty-handed

Despite the help of her brother, the young woman hadn't found the perfect gift she wanted for the love of her life

Disappointed and saddened, Yor decided to start preparing the meal for her and Loid

Anya was spending the evening with her friend Becky

"Yor, my love, I'm home !" Said Loid happily, entering their home

Smiling tenderly, Yor went to join him, leaving the pan warming on the oven

"Good evening, my love, did you have a good day ?" Asked Yor tenderly

"Rather yes and it's even better now that I'm with you"

Loid x Yor OS CollectionWhere stories live. Discover now