Let me take care of you

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Humming happily and tenderly, Yor happily and tenderly prepared the meal and set the table

Her Loid was coming home from work soon and Anya was spending the evening with her friend, Becky

The young woman was just so happy, she just couldn't wait for her husband to be there and to spend the evening just with him

Suddenly, Yor felt her baby move a little in her belly

Smiling tenderly and affectionately, Yor tenderly and affectionately stroked then her belly

"My darling little baby, your daddy and I, we can't wait for you to be here" Thought the young woman tenderly and affectionately, smiling tenderly and affectionately and still tenderly and affectionately caressing her belly

At the same time, Loid finally entered the house

A big, tender and happy smile naturally appeared then on Yor's face

"My love, you are finally home !" Yelled Yor happily, happily and tenderly walking towards the front door

However Yor's happy smile quickly faded as her eyes fell on her Loid's bruised and bloody face and on the pained expression on his face

"Oh my god, my love, what happened ?!" Cried Yor, panicked and with tears in her eyes, quickly approaching her Loid and tenderly and gently cupping his face in her hands, tenderly and gently stroking his cheeks with her thumbs

Seeing the love of her life like this broke her heart so much

"Oh it was just a little altercation with a patient who didn't want to take his treatment, nothing too bad, don't worry my angel" Answered Loid tenderly, wanting to be reassuring and tenderly and lovingly caressing the top of his Yor's face and her beautiful black hair

"Nothing really bad ?! Did you see your state ?! He could have killed you !" A tear rolled down Yor's cheek

"Hey, my love, don't cry" Tenderly and gently, Loid wiped the tear from his wife's cheek before tenderly and lovingly kissing her

As her Loid kissed her with so much love, tenderness and devotion, Yor cuddled even more tenderly and lovingly against him

After a long, tender and loving kiss, Loid tenderly and lovingly cuddled his face against his wife's

"My love ...

- Shuuut my angel, I'm here, everything is fine"

Yor nodded tenderly before tenderly and lovingly taking her Loid's hands in her own

"Come my love, I'll take care of you"

Loid nodded tenderly and his Yor pulled him tenderly and lovingly to the couch

Tenderly and lovingly, Yor began then to heal her Loid

"I'm not hurting you, my love ?" Asked Yor softly and tenderly, gently and tenderly nursing her Loid's lip with alcohol

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