The Forgers at Disneyland

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Loid and Yor cuddled tenderly and lovingly together in bed

Loid tenderly and lovingly caressed his Yor's beautiful black hair and tenderly and lovingly kissed her forehead while she was still sleeping soundly, snuggled tenderly and lovingly in his arms

Suddenly Yor fidgeted a little in her sleep which made Loid smile tenderly

"Sweet dreams, my love, I'm here" Tenderly and lovingly, Loid hugged his face against his wife's

Finally a few minutes later, Yor finally woke up and a tender and loving smile naturally appeared on her face when her eyes fell on her husband

"Hello Mrs Foger" Smiled Loid tenderly, tenderly and lovingly stroking his wife's cheek

"Hello Mr Forger" Smiled Yor tenderly, still a bit sleepy

"Did you sleep well, sweetie ?" Asked Loid tenderly, still tenderly and lovingly caressing his Yor's cheek

"Always when I'm in your arms, my love" Blushed Yor a little, gazing tenderly and lovingly at her Loid

Smiling tenderly, Loid kissed his wife tenderly and lovingly, tenderly and lovingly burying his tongue in her mouth and still tenderly and lovingly stroking her cheek

Yor smiled tenderly into the kiss, cuddling even more against her husband

"Sweetheart, we have to get up, we promised our baby to go to Disneyland today" Whispered Loid tenderly against his Yor's lips, still tenderly and lovingly stroking her cheek with his thumb

Yor nodded tenderly and Loid stole her a tender and loving kiss before getting out of bed and starting to dress

Smiling tenderly, Yor tenderly and lovingly observed her Loid, she thought he was just so beautiful

"Are you coming my lady ?" Asked Loid tenderly, tenderly and lovingly reaching out his hand to his Yor

Blushing a little and smiling tenderly, Yor tenderly placed her hand in her Loid's and he tenderly pulled her out of their bed, tenderly and lovingly pulling her against him before tenderly and lovingly kissing her, tenderly and lovingly burying his tongue in her mouth

Yor smiled tenderly into the kiss, laying her other hand tenderly on her husband's chest

"I love you" Whispered the young woman tenderly against the lips of the love of her life

"I love you too sweetheart, so so much" Whispered Loid tenderly, tenderly and lovingly kissing his Yor again and tenderly and lovingly cuddling his face against hers

Yor smiled tenderly, happy

Finally a few minutes later, the couple, ready to leave for Disneyland, was waiting for their daughter in the living room

Franky, who was going to dogsit Bond while they were away, had already picked him up

"Anya, hurry up or your mama and I are leaving without you" Said Loid, knocking on his daughter's bedroom door

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