Pet Shop #2

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Tw! This chapter mentions animal abuse/neglect.
The lady stops at a cage with a small black rabbit with a few white ticks

"It's 5 week old Silver fox. It's mother died of starvation. The owner hadn't been taking care of them."

The small black rabbit looks at us as we talk and slowly hops toward the front of the cage. I smile and drop to my knees to be eye level with it. Then I frown thinking of something.

"If the mother was starved wouldn't the baby have died? The mother wouldn't have been able to provide for it?"

"The baby had started eating actual food. It's just not fully switched over yet."

I look over, seeing the bunny shaking their ears and grooming them.

"What sex are they? And do they have a name?" I ask. I'm pretty sure I'm going home with this little thing.

"He is a little buck (techinal name of a male rabbit btw) and we didn't name him because we weren't sure he would survive" she smiles at me, I smile back at her and gesture to the cage. She seems to understand as her smile gets bigger and she opens the cage. "I do think I should warn you though. Silver fox's are a bigger breed of rabbit. He will get quite a bit bigger"

I look at her. Joy feels like it's pouring out of my body and I say the most cheesy thing ever "More to love" she nods and hands him to me showing me how to hold him. She walks me to the register and ask "Do you have the supplies for a rabbit yet?" I shake my head no and she goes over to a shelf and picks up a box.

"In this box has all the essentials for owning a rabbit. Including a small thing of food, anything else you need before I check you out?"

"Do you have a crate for transportation?"

"Oh yeah!" She pulls out a black crate for under the counter and opens it so I can put the bunny in. She taps a few buttons on the cash register. "That'll be 100$"

I blink a few times slowly pulling out my wallet. "Shouldn't it be more?" She nods slightly as I had her a hundred dollar bill.

"Techinally? Yeah it should be, But 1. I don't like pricing stuff super expensive since I started this business to help rehome animals who need it and 2. You seem like the type of kid who really needs a furry friend right now" she smiles at me, a tint of sadness in her eyes.

"Animals understand the sadness and pain alot better then most humans, Especially animals like this who have been abused and neglected." The bird seems to hear her owners sad tone because she hops on her shoulder and nuzzles her head in the gingers hair.

I blink and slowly nod probably looking like a idiot. How did she see through me so perfectly... how did she just instantly seem to understand?

Her cheery demeanor quickly comes back as she chuckles at the confusion on my face and hands me the crate. "Take good care of him okay? And yourself to" she then turns away from the counter and busys herself checking on some of the animals.

I grab the huge box in one arm trying not to drop it and the crate in the other.

I exited the pet shop and turned into a alley. Sizing down the box and putting it in my jacket pocket and holding tight to the crate emerging from the alley. Taking a quick look back the the pet shop in wonder before turning and walking back home. Clutching the crate to make sure no one ever hurt him again.

632 words.
Olay I have a few things to say about this.
1. I'm sorry for being gone so long

2. Give me some name suggestions for the bun. I might just pick it.

3.(this is again a serious topic) as some one who has lived on a farm who takes in abused and neglected animals (rabbit in particular) I have seen just how bad people treat things. Almost as if they aren't also living creature. So please treat your pets with love and respect. Because again as someone who lives on a farm I will tell you no one will ever love you as much as you pets. Ik it sounds cheesy but it's true.

Anyways it was great to be able to upload a chapter! I hope yall enjoyed. Have a nice night/day.

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