8 pt 1

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bella knows and is coming to dinner

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bella knows and is coming to dinner

its now sunday, two days after the event rory was laying in her bed when she heard it. " bella knows" alice all but yells as she runs from her room to the living room where carlisle and esme were. and she told them what she saw in her vision. rory felt it everything was changing.

"rory honey can you come here please"esme calls from down stairs

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"rory honey can you come here please"esme calls from down stairs

rory puts her boots on and fixed her hair and went down to see what esme wants "yes esme?"
" edward invited bella to dinner and he wants all of us there but its okay if you dont want to be here we dont want you to be uncomfortable." esme said in a motherly tone
" im fine esme ill just stay in my room. thanks for the heads up." rory said

"okay sweetie if your sure."esme said giving rory a kiss on the cheek  as she begain pulling the ingredients out she bought earlier in the day. rory turned and left the kitchen and went to her room and picked up the hat she left out on her bed and turned and left back out her room. she put her hat on and left her house. she was walking down the steps when  bella and edward pulled up in his volvo. "whats she doing here is she trying to win you back?"bella asked as they got out the car. "no she still lives here bella shes apart of the coven." edward said helping bella out of the car. instead of going for a walk in the woods like she planned rory smirked and turned around and walked right back into the house where esme was blasting  an Italian song while cooking

while the other rory walked into the woods the other stood next the esme and helped her with making food for the human. "esme it smells great." rory said. she walked over too the spices and began  adding gross stuff into the pasta esme was cooking while she wasn't looking but she was caught by Rose who giggled "get a whiff of that here comes human." rose said

"about time they've been out there forever." rory said and esme nudged her to shut up. while emmet waved with the knife and then went back to the job esme gave him.

 "bella were making italiano for you"esme said with a smile 

"bella this is Esme my mother for all intents and purposes" edward said 

"bon giorno?" bella said to esme

"molto bene!" esme resopnded as rory walked away from the pot bored and went to mess with emmett who was chopping up cucumbers for the salad.

"you've given us an excuse to use the kitchen for the first time" Carlisle said gestering to the box of pans in the trash. when they hear something hit the floor and look over and see a guilty looking emmett but rory was no where near him any more she was now seated next to Rose who was trying not to laugh at her husband and sister and the now broken tv.

"hope your hungry" esme said trying not to yell at the two for making a mess in the kitchen. that made Rose get up to get the cucumbers emmett chopped and put them in the salad she prepared 

"oh, of course" bella replied 

"she already ate." edward said. then there was a shattering noise, they all looked over at rose who crushed the glass bowl that once held the salad 

"perfect" she spit out

"its just- i assumed since you guys dont eat"bella said as she tripped over her words

"thats very considerate of you" esme said sadly 

"ignore Rose i always do" edward said rolling his eyes at his family's behavior

"Yes let's keep pretending she didnt ruin you marriage and that this isnt dangerous for all of us"rose said with a pointed look 

"i would never tell anyone" bella said ignoring the first part 

"she knows that" carlise said in a reassuring tone

"the problem is, you two have gone public now,so.." emmett said trailing off

"emmett" esme scolded her son

"no she should know"rose said to esme then turned to bella " the entire family will be implicated if this ends badly"

"badly?" bella asked confused as the air hangs uncomfortably "oh badly. like where i become the meal" bella says like shes had an epiphany. Emmett and rory look at each other trying to choke back a laugh until rory said "well if your offering i doubt you'll taste good but hey" rory says with a shrug and a crazy look of her face. which made bella stiffen and pale which caused emmett to loose it.

"aurora really" esme scoled 

"come on" edward said to bella as he dragged her away from the people he call his family.

"come on" edward said to bella as he dragged her away from the people he call his family

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pt2 coming soon!!!!!! i cant wait for you to see what i have coming next 

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