Body Slam

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Faster than you can scream, your lines cross as your boat veers off, and your bodies slam into each other. On impact, your world goes black.

Jungkook, in shock, pops to the surface of the water, gasping, choking, and looking around in a panic for the girl he slammed into. 

His boat has turned around and is coming back, while the other boat seems to have picked up speed and headed off.

Jungkook can't believe it, "What the fuck? They're running!" He shouts angrily.

 Jungkook is frantically looking for you as the water settles down. He catches a glimpse of flowers and swims to you, but it's only a bikini top.

 He shakes his head in disbelief and, even more, frantically looks for you. You are floating only a short distance away but not moving. Out of fear that you may not have survived the impact, he quickly pulls you to him. He blushes profusely as it's your bikini top he found.

He makes sure to keep your upper body just below the water's surface. "Are you okay?" he gently shakes you. "Are you alright? Can you hear me?" 

You think, 'Maybe if I just play dead, he'll go away.' 

Then you think, 'That is the stupidest thing you have ever thought of. Well, other than jumping off a cliff to parasail that one time in Hawaii.' 

To Jungkook's relief, you open your eyes and cross your arms over your chest. You think to yourself, 'Shit, why does everything happen to me? This is why you should always wear a life vest no matter how good you think you are, you stupid girl.'

 You are looking around for your top. You prefer to swim nude but only at your secluded lake at home, so this is just ridiculous to you, and you start softly laughing. He notices you are looking around. 

He knew what you were looking for, grins an evil bunny smile, and holds up your bikini top.  

"Are you looking for this?" he mischievously asks.

You laugh and snatch it from his hands, "Yes, thank you." 

You try to look beneath the water, "Did you happen to lose anything? It would only be fair."

He laughs, "No, I have everything I came into the water with." 

Grinning impishly, he asks, "Do you need help getting your top back on?"

You can't put it back on because one of the strings is broken. So, you hold the material to your chest as you both keep treading water to stay above the water line. You both laugh, but then you grimace as it hurts, so you stop.

The longer you are treading water, the harder it is to breathe.

 Silly, you know, but you ask yourself, 'Is it because the most gorgeous man you have ever seen has taken your breath away, or are you hurt?'

Seeing your grimace, he starts to ask, "What's wrong? Are you . . . ?" he is interrupted.

His boat captain and first mate pull up at a safe distance. His Captain calls out, "Mr. Jeon, are you okay!? Is the girl okay!?"

 When the first mate is about to jump out of the boat, Jungkook yells, "Grab one of my T-shirts!" 

She replies, "Got it!" After grabbing a shirt, she jumps in the water and swims towards you and Jungkook. 

You think you might have a broken rib as it is getting harder to breathe, and the longer you keep treading water, the more out of breath and lightheaded you feel.

You look at him as your world slowly goes dark around you. The last thing you see is his handsome face. The last thing you remember is thinking, 'Such a cute bunny smile . . .'

Jungkook and the Lost BikiniWhere stories live. Discover now