Ch. 22

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Chapter 22

Savannah's P.O.V.

It was like the kiss between me and Zayn never happened because he didn't act like he was into me the days after we kissed. I did a lot of thinking after we kissed. Zayn was a great and wonderful person but I'm not sure if I want to be his girlfriend. I realized I am not over Liam, I'll never get over him. I still truly love him. I wonder if he still thinks about me. Liam breaking my heart was the worst thing that could have happened this summer but I still wanted my 'James' back holding me like he used too. I missed that, a whole lot.

The days after me and Zayn kissed, I made progress from mine and Liam's break up. I didn't stay in bed all day. Except when Danielle came over once, I caught her and Liam making out on the couch and it upset me so much I ran away to my room crying. Say what you want. I'm a baby, I know but I am not over Liam James Payne.

Zayn and me where still best friends but I don't think we would ever become anything more. We discussed the kiss between us and both of us realized we were just lonely and wanted our ex's back. For me, Liam, for Zayn, Perrie. It was a lonely kiss that didn't mean much.

Danielle's P.O.V.

I was detroying Savannah and I was having a lot of fun doing it. One time when me and Liam were making out on the couch, I heard Savannah come in and run back to her room sobbing. HA. She was such a cry baby! I have Liam now and she will never get him back.


I let myself inside the beach house while everyone was asleep except for Savannah, who was watching The Notebook in the living room. Wow. She was either on her period or being lonely without Liam or both. No it's both. She looked over at me and I noticed she had been crying. Ew she was ugly crying.

"Aren't you gonna say hi to me?!" I asked her making a dumbfounded face.

"Hi." She said with no expression.

I walked over to her after I shut the door.

"Listen here, you little brat! You have no more of a chance with Liam anymore! He said he hates you! He called you ugly too! Hahaha!! Obviously, I'm the prettiest one of any of his girlfriends. You will never ever get him to yourself ever again. Stop chasing after a boy who is too good for you! He is better than your worthless ass! Keep crying bitch!" I told Savannah as I pointed to her.

Savannah's P.O.V.

"You're right. I'm ugly. I'm worthless. But at least I don't go out trying to steal other people's boyfriends! At least I don't try to make other people's life miserable because mine sucks! I'm sorry that you know Liam still loves me more than you." I stood up as I yelled at Danielle.

Wow . I stood up for myself! Yay! I'm so proud of myself!

But what if Danielle punches me. Oh God help me. I can't fight at all.

"Little ratchet girl, Liam loves me now, not you! So go continue watching your depressing movies so me and Liam can make out. Bye." She walked away down the hall to Liam's room and walked in.

She is such a B****!!!!! ASDFGHJKL.

I wasn't sure if I should go to sleep or walk to Zayn's room for help. I was too lazy to get up so I just went to sleep right where I was.

Liam's P.O.V.

"Hey babe!" Danielle walked in my room when I was changing into clothes! I was in just boxers and she didn't knock.

"Oh you look so sexy!" She said checking me out.

"Thanks but could you knock next time? I do like privacy." I said rolling my eyes.

"You don't have to get an attitude with me!" She said crossing her arms.

"I'm sorry baby. I love you." I said getting my shirt on and going over to wrap my arms around her.

She giggled.

What was I even doing? She was so different from Savannah. I haven't stopped thinking about her. She is literally always on my mind. I blame myself for everything between us which I should because it was all my fault. I'm a horrible person. Why was I even hugging Danielle. I started thinking about Savannah as I kissed Danielle. Savannah's lips were so much softer and sweeter tasting. Mmm. I want Savannah. Savannah was so innocent all the time. She never cared what people thought about her either. She didn't wear makeup much anymore probably because I made her depressed. I just wanted to cry when I thought about how I acted to her. I just hope Danielle will stay the way she used to be. She used to be sweet and actually care for me. But it was different now. She was self centered.


Hi .! Tell me what you thought! I feel like this fanfiction is just getting worse and worse. (The quality) ohamcdhxkdhdmdhdh oh well I guess :( -Kate

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