Ch. 14

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Small Bump Ch. 14

Days past stuck in this white prison, the mood here was depressing. I saw children with cancer but one little boy who was about 5 stuck out in my mind. His name was Jacob, he liked to play with toy cars and talk to his 16 year old sister. I talked to him one afternoon while I went to get a snack from the vending machine. I saw a small boy in a hospital robe walking around with his sister. He came up to me and introduced his self. He asked why I was in the hospital. When he did so his sister shifted uncomfortably probably because people don't normally ask that, but I told him why. He told me he had cancer and I told him I would pray for him and his family. He gave me a hug and said "Thank you for talking to me." I wanted to get to know him more but I had to go back to Liam's room. You will meet some incredible people in your life. He was one of those people.

It was Sunday at 8:29 pm and we were all getting Liam's stuff together to go back to the beach house. I stayed over night with him every night. He refused but I got him to let me stay by teasing him! He was easy to persuade. I slept in the room with him but on the small couch that wasn't comfortable at all. I was just glad Liam could finally come back to the beach house.

I finished getting his suitcase packed up again full of dirty clothes that he had worn while being here. I zipped the suitcase and put it on the couch. Liam was practicing walking on crutches, which he wasn't very good at. Carol and Niall were standing in the room talking to each other hand in hand. I was glad they were together.

"Are you ready to go back to the beach house tomorrow?" I asked Liam knowing his response.

"Heck yes!!" He said smiling back at me. I laughed at his excitement.

That night Liam went to sleep happy this time to get out of the hospital. And I couldn't stop smiling. It was hard to go to sleep because of how excited I was for Liam to get out of this prison.

The next morning we woke up at around 8:00 am and Liam wasn't about to have the nurses slow him down. He got out of bed when I just woke up and almost tripped but grabbed his crutches just in time! I laughed at him a lot that morning. It was so adorable how anxious he was!

Louis came at about 10 am and picked us up and drove us back to the beach house. When we arrived it was a big surprise to me and Liam! Carol, Louis, Niall, Zayn, and Harry had set up a surprise for Liam! There was a big banner saying "Welcome Home Liam!" even though he hadn't been in the hospital that long. It was cute how everyone cared so much about him.

He limped to his room on his crutches, probably to un pack and change into clean clothes. I should do that too, I walked to mine and Carol's room and un packed everything. Carol opened our door and peeked in, "Can I come in best friend?" She said kinda laughing.

"Duhh!" I said smiling at her.

She walked in and stood waiting for me to finish. I think she wanted to talk to me.

"Anything I can do for you?" I asked her.

"I think we need to talk." She said seriously.

"What is it?" I asked confused.

"You and Liam are happy together right?" She asked me.

"Oh course!" I said smiling.

"Well someone else is kinda in love with you..." She said her words getting quieter.

"Woah! What?! Who?!" I asked, my mouth opened. Who else in this house is "in love with me"? Why would anyone else be "in love with me"?

"Umm.. I don't know how to say this, but uhh Harry really really likes you." She said looking at the ground.

"But I thought Harry was JUST a friend, nothing more!" I was getting louder with shock.

"He was talking to me and telling me he has huge feelings for you." She was now looking at me with concern.

"Umm. I love Liam, not Harry. I mean I love Harry as a friend, nothing more." I responded still in shock.

"I think you should go talk to him about it." Carol said looking me in the eye.

"Ok, I will later." I said walking out of the door and into the living room as Liam's arms were out wanting me to hug him. I went to where he was sitting and let his warm arms embrace me. I loved that feeling. It so sweet. He also had a specific smell, it was kind of like honey and a manly scent. I sat next to him with his arm over my shoulder breathing his sweet scent. He leaned his head to mine letting our lips touch for a quick second and whispering against my lips

"I love you."

I smiled as he looked me in the eyes. "I love you too and I love being able to say that."

I haven't really noticed but Harry was on the other couch just watching us looking slightly mad. Was I making him jealous? Wow I never knew I could do that!

"Sorry Harry, I didn't know you where in here." I spoke up.

"It's fine." Harry replied with a serious face with something concerning him.

Why did he like me? What Carol telling me the truth? He should know I was happy with Liam!


Sorry, trying to upload faster! (: -Kate

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