Chapter 5 - Y/N - 1 Tsurak- 0

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I forgot to mention last chapter but Taronyu is like a Toruk except it's not a ikran yk

Important note: Y'all will probably see me republishing chapters a few times, it's usually only for minor changes like in this chapter there were a few misspelled words

I swam over to Taronyu, hiding behind other animals and plants. I spotted a kelp "forest" that looked quite dense and I decided to lay low there.

I was right behind Taronyu now, I swam over as quick as I could while making minimum motions. I didn't want him sensing me before I could make tsaheylu.

I could feel him notice me but before he could turn around I grabbed my queue and made tsaheylu. Taronyu stopped moving before violently jerking up towards the surface, dragging me with him.

I felt my self being dragged through the water and then flung through the air before slamming into Taronyu's back as we re-entered the water. My vision was blurred and I felt dizzy but I could not loose my grip and disconnect now, I was so close.

All the tension from being dragged by only my queue did a number on it, I could already feel how sore the tendrils had become and I knew Ronal was going to scold me when I got back home....if I got back home.

I desperately scrambled for a grip on Taronyu before he turned at an angle and I felt my back being shred up by coral.

'Fuck why is this thing actually smart' I groaned internally

There was a shit ton of blood in the water as I screamed. My back burnt and I truly felt like passing out but I knew I had to push through it.

I exhaled one last time, all the air in my lungs gone. I focused, I could feel Taronyu breath, erratic and panicked. I could feel his panic, his feelings. I focused on the mutual feeling of water around us, the sun rays warming up the water, his scales, my hands. Slowly but surely he began to calm.

His breath begun to slow as I got him to bring us back up to the surface. The second we reached I took a big breath of air and patted Taronyu's back.

I could feel myself get weaker and I knew I didn't want to be stuck out in the water with my newly tamed tsurak. Even thought I could control him now we didn't make a proper emotional bond and I was sure he would attack the second I wasn't in control.

'Go fast back to the island' I said in my head, my eyes starting to close. Riding on a tsurak was a new experience, but it would've enjoyable if I wasn't bleeding and dizzy.

Once I got back I was met with Tonowari's arms pulling me in for a hug as the whole tribe cheers and congratulated me, but all of that came to a abrupt stop once they noticed the blood trail following me.

A quick hush fell across the crowd as people gasped. The last thing I heard before going limp in Tonowari's arms was Aonung saying

"Oh shit."

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