Chapter 10 - idk what to call this

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Why does Tseriya have to be so pretty 😫
Like I got doe eyes and curly hair too but hers are just better 😒

This was supposed to be out yesterday but I fell asleep mb

It was night now, that meant it was time to meet up with the Sully's. I spent my time after dinner re-braiding my hair and putting beads and flowers in it.

I picked out my favorite outfit, usually I would only dress up around Aonung but honestly I didn't think he would ever want to be around me again.

I walked to our spot to see Neteyam,

"Y/N, Kirk and Lo'ak are a bit farther ahead,"

He pointed to a tree, under it you could see both of them talking "Over there."

"Oh alright, let's go," I said

Aonung POV

I looked out of the window to see Y/N all dressed up and leaving her marui, that was different.

I had been watching her for the last few days, she would always leave her marui and go hand with the sullys but she was never this dressed up.

I had thoughts of stopping her sometimes and apologizing, I didn't mean to blow up on her like that. But everytime I tried she was swept away but the jungle kids, it was also just really awkward trying to talk to her.

I decided to follow her and I snuck out of my marui, hiding behind trees, rocks and other maruis.

I saw her meet up with the older omaticaya boy, Neteyam I think? Why was he alone?

'Fuck wait, is she going on a date with him'

I started to panic,

'I fucked up, I fucked up really bad. I knew I should've apologized sooner"

I spent the rest of the night coming up with a plan to win her back.


I woke up early today morning to go talk to Kiri. I knew that Y/N and her became close after we fought and I thought it would be best to approach her about Y/N

I saw the older sully kids in the water waiting for Tseriya but I had already told her my plan and she was going to be "late" to the lesson today.

I walked up to Kiri,

"I need to talk to you,"

I could feel her brother glaring at me and I crossed my arms,


She glanced at her brothers before raising a eyebrow

"And why would I want to go anywhere with you?"

I leaned in closer and whispering in her ear

"It's about Y/N"

I watched as her eyes widened and she nodded following me out of the water and under a tree,

"Look I know that Y/N hangs out with you guys at night and I need to talk to her alone tonight but she won't talk to me,"


I guess he did care about Y/N after all? Y/N had been venting to me and Neteyam the last two days I knew how much this would mean to her...but, I also knew Neteyam liked her.

I thought for a second, it should be up to Y/N to decide who she wanted. As much as I wanted to say no, I wasn't going to decide for her.

I let out a sigh before asking him

"Alright, what's the plan?"

Aonung talked a bit about what he had planned for her and damn I was impressed. I didn't think fish boy had a brain!

"Okay I'll tel her to meet you there tonight alright?"

"Actually, don't tell her it's me. I want it to be a surprise of some sort."

"Eywa help me, if she murders you don't blame me,"

I started to walk back until I turned around

"And... good luck,"

I walked back to my brothers in the water just as Tseriya arrived,

"What was that about?" they asked

"Don't worry about it,"


I got out of my marui dressed up again, dressing up made me feel good about myself and it cheered me up again. I enjoyed having something to look forward to again

I saw Kiri at our normal spot and waved, quickening my pace.

"Hey Y/N,"

"Hey Kiri,"

"Follow me,"

I nodded my head and followed her, it was normal for them to find cool spots and show me.

When we reached what looked like a dense little patch of trees,

"Close your eyes,"

This was weird,

'Am I getting murdered' I thought as two hand covered my eyes. I could hear Kirk walk away, these weren't her hands, they were bigger and colder.

'Shit I'm getting murdered'

As I was about to try and do something to my attacker they spoke,

"Y/N, trust me,"

Their voice was deep, rough, hot, it was Aonung.

'Damn he finna kill me?'

My body was tense as he led me forward and I gasped as he took his hands off,

I've been hella busy y'all I'm sorry,

I would continue but I'm gonna be busy for the rest of today and I just wanted y'all to have this part to hold you over because I think my next updates going to be tmrrw, it's better than not posting anything today tbh

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