[ 1 ] A R G U M E N T

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"Ria, please don't leave me

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"Ria, please don't leave me. I can't live without you."

"So, die then. Why are you annoying me?"

I opened my eyes and let out a deep sigh of relief; I despised the moments when she invaded my thoughts. Ria, my ex-girlfriend. She was my first love, the one with whom I used to envision my future.

Once, a sweet and kind boy deeply in love died. Now, he's turned cold, and arrogant, and doesn't believe in love anymore. As the eldest son in the Hathawal family, I don't carry myself as one should. I admit it-I've disappointed my father countless times. I hate myself for that.

Not having any interest in the family business, I desire something for myself. Unfortunately, my friend and I are entangled in gangster life, and breaking free isn't an option. I've become the target of hatred from many, and they could end my life. So, I've chosen to embrace this life, making them fear me instead.

After a lukewarm shower, I entered my room, opting for a black hoodie, black trousers, and a black leather jacket, complemented by black shoes. Using a hairdryer, I dried my hair, grabbed my car keys from the table, and descended the stairs. With it being Sunday, everyone was at home during lunchtime.

Upon reaching the dining table, conversations ceased as I joined. My siblings, at times, found me intimidating. Their distance grew due to my perpetually sour mood, and it irked me.

"Bhai, are you going somewhere?" Ved inquired, munching on a piece of bread.

"Hmm... Mom, I'm heading out with my friends," I informed my mother, who had just appeared from the kitchen. She halted me with a call, "Yug, wait."

I paused, glancing at my mother. "Yes?" I responded. Just then, my dad and uncle entered the room, engrossed in a discussion about their business. Upon noticing me, he signaled for me to sit. "Yugant, we need to talk. Have a seat."

"But I was about to..." I hesitated. "I said sit," he commanded, casting a stern look. I couldn't refuse; otherwise, he would be upset and not talk to me for a week.

I took a deep breath, reluctantly settling into my seat. The Hathwal siblings, usually disinterested in adult conversations, appeared unusually attentive. Why the sudden interest? Was there something they knew that I didn't?

"How old are you?" he inquired, a seemingly simple question. "I'm 28...
Why do you ask?" I responded.

"And how old is Ridhima?" he continued. "She's 29," I replied.

"You see, she's 29, married, and very happy in her family," my father pointed out.

Anticipating the topic he was steering towards, I stood up to leave. "Dad!"

"Sit back down, Yugant," he commanded, raising his voice. Seeking support, I glanced at my mother. "Mom?" I called out.

"Your dad is right, Yug. You've turned down many girls already, and that's not fair," she said, joining the conversation. Now, with both my parents against me, I had to stand up for myself. " Ever thought about someone rejecting your sister? " My father pointed out.

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