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(Also the italics are the 'bad voice' in her head!)

2 weeks before the incident:

I start walking through the pouring streets as I check  my smashed phone, wiping the water away with my tattered coat.

3:47 pm. School ended 17 minutes ago and I'm now on my way to a coffee shop, my job. My shift starts in 13 minutes and it takes 15 to get there.

If I come home late, I'll get punished. Then I'll get punished at home, then I'll die.
That's what I want right?
I don't know.

I try to stop myself from over thinking and put my earbuds in, trying to pull myself from my busy, stressed brain.

Loud music starts playing in my ears as I briskly walk through the streets, street lights lighting up the dark afternoon as the harsh wind accompanies the rain.

I push through the door at 3:59, I'm slightly out of breath after running to arrive on time.

"Hey Flo! Just on time love, your aprons out in the back along with your uniform! Nice to see you hun" Mindy, the cafe owner says to me as she clears a table, smiling.

She's so nice, always happy, always smiling.
Unlike you, slut.

"Hey, thanks" I say quietly while fake smiling, something I've mastered to show the world for years, hiding the real, unhappy and useless me.

I walk into the back room and grab my uniform, I have a long sleeve black shirt, black mini skirt, tights and a forest green apron. The outfit doesn't look good on me though, I'm really skinny, pale and have no curves at all. I look dull, almost dead.

I pair it with my air forces, the only pair of shoes I own.

I had managed to scrape 100 dollars together from a drug deal a couple of months ago.

As soon as I'm finished I scrape back my dark brown hair into a messy high pony tail, pulling out the front pieces. I do a quick retouch of concealer, making sure my bruises and scars don't show on my face, neck and hands.

I walk out to the front counter, clock in and start putting some freshly baked cookies into the glass display.

I hear the door being pushed opened, so I look up to see 3 tall men, one around 45 and the others presumably his sons in their 20s.

They are attractive, sporting suits and have that rich, powerful aura around them.

I turn around to refill a water jug before turning back around to smile at them, accidentally making eye contact with one of the sons.

He looks at me, something flashes through his eyes before he quickly masks it. I just fake smile and clear my throat before beginning to talk.

"Hey welcome to coffee - stop, what can I get you today? I ask as 'happily' I could muster.

"Yeah, I'll take 3 cappuccinos, 1 banana nut muffin and 2 blueberry scones." The eldest speaks with authority, it scares me slightly.

I can't imagine the power of his punches and kicks.

Why is that the first thing I think of?

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