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"Hey, shhh it's okay hun" Natalie rubs my back, I shake slightly, I'm still trying to comprehend.

"So since they live 7 hours away, your father and 2 eldest brothers will be coming here, then they will accompany you to your home."

Home? You don't deserve a home you pathetic bitch.

"I- I still can't believe it" I say, quietly.

"I know, I should be getting a call from your father as soon as he flys in, which should be in a couple of hours."


"We need to go to your house and get your clothes, then is there anywhere else you would like to go to?" She asks, smiling gently, comfortingly.

Should I ask? Would she let me?

Nobody cares what you do, nobody even wants you here.

"I- uh, could you take me to the hospital?" I ask, hoping she would let me. This is wrong, going to see my mother, in a critical condition.

Not that it would wreck me, destroy me that. It's that I'm showing her sympathy and pity, after everything she's done to me.

She's neglected me my whole life, I've been malnourished, weak and drained my whole life because of her. But she started to hurt me, but it was the drugs. Why am I blaming it on the drugs? It was all her.

I still need to see her, she was my mother after all, not a good one. But still my mother.

If my heart could let my brain talk, it would be telling me to turn around the other way round and run as far away as possible from her. But my heart, that tiny bit just needs to say goodbye, I need to feel completion.

A little tear wells up in my eye, at the thought of how terrible she treated me, she ruined my childhood.

I don't know the comfort of a mothers hug. I don't know what it feels like when a mother sings a lullaby to you, or rocks you to sleep. What's it like when you cry? When she's there to comfort you? When you get a scrape or a paper cut, does she kiss it better?

Except, my mother was the one giving me the bruises, the scars.


"you fat worthless slut"

"Mom, you don't mean that please?" I whimper, tears falling down my sore face.

"I mean every bit of it. You are nothing to me, a nobody. I WISH YOU WERE NEVER BORN" She spits at me, venom dripping her voice.

My crack addict of a mother just wished death upon me, I start to sob, thinking she had left the apartment.

"STOP CRYING YOU LITTLE BRAT, JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP" she yells, storming up to my shaking body, hugging itself on the floor.

She pulls me up by my hair and I look up to her, she rarely ever hurts me, only Arthur does.

My thoughts are cut off as I see her hand flying towards my cheek, a stinging sensation ricochets through my face.

The pain didn't sting, it's the fact this is my mother.

The beating didn't stop, I was kicked, punched and even stabbed in the hand, until I couldn't bare the pain and was blacked out.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2023 ⏰

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