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"We are from the county police department, I'm afraid there's been an accident"

I didn't know that sentence would change my life.


"Wait what?" I state blankly, showing no emotion, no expression on my face. What's happened? Am I finally free? What's going to happen to me?

Both of the officers notice my state, my bruises, my eyes. But both have confused faces, almost in disbelief. Normally if they had to deliver news to a 15 year old girl that her 'parents' had died in a car accident, they would expect her to start crying, break down in tears. But not me, relief floods through me.

"Are you okay miss, can we come in please?"

No. They can't come in, they'll see everything. They'll see the baseball bat lied on my kitchen table, they'll said broken glass on the floors, some bloodied where it made impact with my leg a couple of days ago.

I look behind me, noticing the mouldy couch, the distinct weed smell, the empty sachets of cocaine littered on the coffee table and the empty alcohol bottles.

I turn back around and look to the floor, contemplating whether I should let them in or not.

"What happened?" I persisted, changing the subject from them coming in. Luckily the house is dimly lit and dark, so they can't see my face fully, every little bruise and cut.

"Florence, let us come in and we will explain it. Or are you hiding something?" One of them states, with authority, lacing it with sympathy.

Is it just me or is that a bit unsympathetic, I mean my parents have just died- not that I care but still.

"I-uh" I look around before starting to speak again "sure come in" I don't even bother to smile, I just look at them before opening the door wider and stand out of the way.

"Come sit on the kitchen table" I start to walk
Towards the kitchen dodging a beer bottle littered on the hallway.

"These were  your parents??" One of the officers bends down and picks up a beer bottle, showing to me.

"Uh well step dad and mom, but yeah" I laugh sarcastically, causing the two officers to just give me even more pity looks.

We sit down at the kitchen table, one of the officers spots a light switch, he points to it, non - verbally asking for him to switch it on. I nod, not thinking about it.

Then just as he switches the light on, realisation dawns. I quickly cower into my oversized hoodie and duck my head, keeping it fixated onto the dirty floor.

"Florence, are you okay?" One of the men asks me.

"Yeah" I say while keeping my head down, trying not to draw attention, except I was doing the opposite.

"Can you lift your head please Florence, we need to tell you what happened" one of them says, more of a command then a question.

Oh fuck it. I'll just say I fell down the stairs or fell over. They won't suspect anything, I hope.

"Yeah sorry" I lift my head up to see shock and concern displayed on the officers faces.

Her Saviours *ON HOLD*Where stories live. Discover now