Chapter 1

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Kirk's POV.

"We're going on a trip in our favorite rocket-ship!" Lars said in a sing-songy tone as he kicked his legs.

"Will you quit that?" James exclaimed as he looked at Lars from the passenger seat. 

"Quit what?" Lars asked with a shrug. 

"Kicking my seat and being fucking annoying!" James shot back.

"I'm just sitting here." Lars said with a smirk, clearly enjoying pissing off James.

"No you're fucking not!" James exclaimed as he balled up his fists. I looked at the two arguing back in forth, not saying anything to make James even more annoyed. 

In my opinion, I think they're both being annoying.

"Will you two just shut up? I'm trying to drive...and it's already hard to drive because of this fucking foggy weather!" Cliff said, keeping his eyes on the road while trying to look at a map.

I looked outside the window, and it indeed was pretty foggy outside, and it seemed a storm was coming.

Lars scooted over to sit closer to me, and he peered outside the window, pressing his face against it. "Wow! I think it's gonna start to storm." Lars said.

"No shit!" James muttered. 

Cliff looked like he was about to lose it, he gave an irritated sigh. "James, Lars! Quit acting like little kids! I'm getting very stressed and it's fucking dark and stormy so I can't see shit! I just need it to be quiet for once so I can focus on the road! Both of you just be like Kirk and shut the fuck up."

I raised my hand, clearing my throat. "Uhm, Cliff? I think we're gonna have to stop soon..." I said as thunder started to crash and rain started to fall heavily. 

"Shit!" Cliff said as he pulled over, the car nearly tipping over in a ditch due to the road starting to flood. "We need to find somewhere to take shelter."

"Where could we go?" I asked. 

And almost on cue, Lars jumped up and pointed at something outside the window. "Look! If you guys look very closely there's a cabin just a few yards away. We can stay there for the night."

Cliff looked at Lars and nodded in satisfaction. "Good job, Lars. Come on guys let's grab our stuff and go to that cabin. How bad can it be?"

We all got out the car and quickly grabbed our bags, racing through the woods. When we finally got to the cabin, we all stared at it.

The cabin was rundown, dark, and dreary. It seemed like nobody has inhabited it for a while. I felt a shiver go down my spine, but it might've been from the cold.

Everyone else had gone inside already, so I was out here alone. I walked around the outside of the cabin and stopped infront of a little garden.

All the flowers were dead, and the bird bath and pipes were starting to rust. 

I shifted in the dirt uncomfortably, I felt like someone...or something was watching me. Peering around, I saw nothing. But I heard a seemed like a low growl.

"Hello?" I called out, only for the growl to seemingly get closer. "Fuck no." I muttered as I dashed out the garden and ran inside the cabin.

Once I was inside, I leaned my back against the door. I was breathing really quickly, and I was probably muttering complete gibberish because I was so scared.

Lars walked up to me, concern shining in his pretty green eyes. "Kirk? Are you alright?"

I looked him up and down, unable to comprehend anything. "I uh..." I trailed off and noticed the others were staring at me. "I thought I heard something."

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