Part II, Chapter 2

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The rest of the tour break consisted of me laying around, feeling hopeless. Few updates came from the police department, whom I doubt is really working on trying to find Lars.

I laid in bed, staring at the ceiling. I should be getting ready to go meet the rest of the guys to prepare for our first concert after break, but clearly I have no motivation or energy to do that. 

I miss Lars. The news is already covering his disappearence, and I've already had like a dozen people call or knock on my door to try and get an interview. I don't wanna talk about it to them though. I'm preferring to just sit and play my guitar, and try to forget about everything that's going on.

"Minus well get ready." I muttered. So that's what I did, I took a shower, put on a decent outfit, and head out the door to meet up with James and Jason.

The destination was the venue we were performing at tonight. James and Jason were already is inside hanging out.

"Hey, Kirk." Jason greeted. He knows what's going on already, I can tell with the solemn look on his face.

"Hi." I mumbled. Standing before the two, I watched as they exchanged nervous glances and whispers. 

Great. Now I'm a pity to my own band mates. But I'm sure they feel upset about what going on to, considering they're really close to Lars as well. Especially James.

But what they won't understand is that I love Lars, and it feels like a piece of me has gone and disintegrated.

James cleared his throat. "I'm sorry about this, Kirk. I know you and Lars are...well..." A small look of disgust appeared on his face. "Dating."

Jason hit him lightly. "Enough of that, James." He muttered. Jason then turned his attention towards me, placing his hand on my shoulder. "If you need anything, I'm always here. You feel?"

I nodded and smiled a little bit. "Of course." I can truly confide in Jason, he's one of my closest friends.

"Well, crew already hired a fill-in drummer. Don't treat him like garbage or something." James said as he walked away

Jason frowned as he watched James walk away. "I'm sorry about this, Kirk."

 "It's fine." I said reassuring him. 

But it didn't feel okay. James is starting to act all grumpy and mean again, Jason is upset and looks like he wants to cry, and me...well I can't stand Lars being gone. 

I can't stand the empty and quiet house. I can't stand sleeping alone every night. I can't stand eating dinner alone. 

And now I can't stand seeing someone else do Lars's part of the band. 

I then told Jason I needed fresh air, and walked outside. I sat down on a bench and sighed, burying my head into my hands.

The cool air whipped around me, causing a shiver to go down my spine. I then looked up and stared out, pursing my lips. Then, in the corner of my eye I saw a dark shadow.

That shadow was the same one, that exact one I blocked out of my memory. The one that haunted us all those years ago.

"Shit." I whispered. That thing is back. 

I ran inside, realizing that demon could've been the thing that took Lars. I've got to go back to that cabin, I have to save Lars. I have to tell James about this!

"James!" I called out. 

He then turned around. "Yeah?"

"The demon is back! You know, the haunted cabin?" I replied.

James shook his head. "No way, man. I thought that thing was gone for good."

"I thought so too. But, I think it's what took Lars." I said.

"Really?" James asked in disbelief. He almost sounded like he didn't believe me.

"Yeah! Look, of you don't believe that it took Lars then fine. But, I know for sure that demon is back. I saw it with my own eyes!" I then sighed. "I don't think we defeated it. And isn't it a coincidence that Cliff died the same year that we.."

I looked up to a now furious James. "Don't." He muttered.

I then whimpered. "James.."

"Believe what you want." He sighed. "Just go."

"Sorry." I muttered. I know bringing up Cliff can be a really tough topic for James. Even after all these years.

"Go." James said firmly.

I nodded and walked out of his dressing  room, and into the hallway. I then sat down against the wall and cried a little. Everyone is so stressed right now. James reacted the way he did because he is already upset enough and bringing up Cliff made him even more upset.

Holy shit, this is what the demon is doing to us, huh? It brings us negativity, and in a way, it wins.

We truly didn't defeat it back then because we were so scared. I looked up at the ceiling, the florescent lights blinking my teary eyes. I then dried my teary eyes and stood up. We have to be brave. That must be key tid defeating it.

I have to show it who's boss.

I have to get back to the cabin, and kick that thing in its ass.

And get Lars back too.

"I'm coming for you, Lars." I whispered to myself.

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