jotaro x fem!reader

51 2 25

Thus is Fluff ig

Contains: ratchetness

Uhh yeah enjoy

It is previously lunch time and you were sitting by a tree. You hated loud noise so you stayed far away from other people.

You didn't bring lunch today simply bcuz you forgot to and you weren't in the mood to buy some.

You sat by the tree just sketching whatever you saw and it was really nice tbh.

As you sketched a shadow emerged infront of you blocking the sun.

You rose a brown and looked up. It was jotaro standing there. "Oh uhm hey jotaro, need anything?" You gave him a warm smile as he tilts his hat in response.

He didn't answer you but sat down next to you. "Uhm ok?" You shrugged it off and continued sketching.

You looked over at jotaro and his eyes were closed. 'Huh I wonder if I can draw him' you thought as you examined his face and facial features.

You flipped a new pg on your sketchbook and began drawing him.

(Time skip)

You finished drawing him and it was a master piece. 'Wow looks identical' you looked at the picture and thought how good it looked. Looks like the real thi-

The bell rang signaling that lunch is over. "Oh lunch is over already? It only felt like 15 minutes" you say getting up. You look at jotaro and noticed he was actually sleeping.

"Hm he looks pretty cute" you say outloud. You bend down and softly shake jotaro. He slowly opened his eyes and quickly looked away to hide the blush on his face bcuz you were so close.

"Tch what" jotaro asked In a low voice.

"Well it's time to go back to class hurry up before we get in trouble" you say holding out your hand fir him to reach.

He looked at your hand for a little and finally took it. You tried to help him up but ended up falling on him, he's fucking heavy. You both fell to the floor and you landed on him.

You began laughing softly. "So sorry, i-i didn't mean to" you say chuckling. You were laughing for a bit that you hadn't noticed the way jotaro was staring at you, you looked so cute when you laughed, smile, anything you do.

You never irritated jotaro you wouldn't be able to if you even tried. Jotaro was admiring you as you still laughed when a paper fell out of your sketchbook. He grabbed it and looked at it.

His eyes widen a bit as he looked at the picture you drew. "You drew this?" Jotaro asks as he showed you the sketch. You slowly stopped laughing and looked at the picture he held.

You blushed and tried to take the picture but jotaro held it back. "I'm keeping it" jotaro says as he folds it and puts it in his jacket.

You blush a bit harder and simply nod. You got off of him and apologized for laughing.

(Time skip after school)

You began heading home when you were suddenly snatched behind the school. You weren't able to scream or move due to someone covering your mouth and holding your body. There was 2 boys, one holding you and one infront of you.

"Well well well if it isn't y/n l/n" the boy says walking up to you. You began squirming to get out of the man's hold but no use.

The boy was now infront of you. He grabbed your hair and began carresing it. Your eyes threatened to spill tears. The boy infront looked at the boy holding you and nodded. He took his hand off your mouth quickly. The boy infront of you began forcefully kissing you.

You began crying tears of fear ofc.

'What am I going to do'

'Why are they doing this'

'Are they going t-'

Your thoughts were interrupted as the boy was punched from a boy in black. Your vision was blurry from tears so you couldn't really tell who that was. The boy holding you dropped you on the floor and began running. Before he could escape the boy ran after him and began punching him in the face multiple times.

You were laying on the floor on the verge of passing out. The last thing you saw was a boy coming up to you and picking you up bridal style then you fully passed out.

You began waking up. You sat up and began rubbing your head. You open your eyes and noticed your not at school or home.

Before you could process what's going on a heavy force came on you and you almost fell.

"W-woah what's g- jotaro?" Before you could ask the question you noticed it was jotaro who was hugging you?

"Are you ok, did they hurt you, your going to be ok alright" he was worried about you but why?

You then remembered what had happened the day before. You began spilling tears. "J-jotaro that was you?" You asked hugging back. "You helped me?" There was silence but you felt him nod. "Th-thank you sm jotaro" you pulled away and looked into his eyes.

You then pulled him into a kiss. It wasn't even 5 seconds when he kissed back.

"I love you jotaro"

" you to"

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