PROLOGUE *edited*

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Your POV ~
"SORRY NOT SORRY BOUT WHAT I SAID! IM JUST TRYNA HAVE SOME FUN- AHH!" I chuckled a bit as Devon fell and hit the floor, "owe... Oh! Good morning y/n! You scared me a bit, heh..." She propped herself up with her elbows and smiled at me. "Sorry if I woke you up from my music, I keep forgetting were roommates now." She then stood up and made her way over to where I was sitting and turned it down.

"Oh Its fine, I actually just woke up." She sat down next to me and smiled even more (if that's possible), when your Devon's roommate you get used to hearing really loud music at around 2 AM randomly and she stays awake from there, and she wonders why she's always tried.

"Well that's nice, how'd you sleep?" I answered her question and we talked for a bit. Then when we checked the time we both groaned, time to start another day of hell (it's Saturday so you mean work). We stretched and stood up and got ready for the day.

~time skip~

"MAAM WE DONT HAVE SOY MILK FOR THE LAST TIME! WE ONLY HAVE REGULAR MILK SO STOP COMPLAINING OR JUST LEAVE!" Me, Blake, and Devon started snickering as Sam started arguing with another customer, again.

"You'd think she'd just leave by now." I said as I shook my head at the older women, "shes literally arguing with a teenager for gods sake, like just leave already!" Blake nodded his head agreeing with me as Devon smirked, what's she planning?

"I have an idea of how to get rid of her, for good." Devon declared putting her hands on her hips having a mischievous glint in her eyes. Oh no.

"I'm out." Blake started for the door just as Devon grabbed him saying something about one for all and all for one. "I'm not helping!"

"Yes you are."

"No! Because last time you had an idea you ended up breaking 5 bones in your foot, 2 of your fingers also broke, you got a bicycle stuck in a tree, y/n ended up getting stuck on a random roof wearing a Christmas tree costume, my car ended up getting towed and got stuck in a ditch, we all ended up getting fined, and you lost your drivers license." He gave Devon a dead panned look.

"Pshh- That was all a long time ago-"

"That happened last year." I also gave her a dead panned look.

"I- your supposed to be on my side!" Devon cried out towards me jokingly, rolling her eyes playfully at Blake and gently hit his shoulder. But after some convincing, me and Blake reluctantly agreed.

~time skip~

"Ahhh sweet, sweet victory." Devon declared sitting besides me.

"You put sweet and sour sauce instead of carmel in her coffee. How is that victory?" I asked as I raised a brow at her.

"Well, she left didn't she?" Devon playfully smiled as I punched their arm slightly and they let out a laugh and I smiled, she then layed her head on my shoulder. And I layed my head a top of hers and smiled slightly. 

"Your hair smells really nice by the way and it's really soft, I really like the color of it as well. Its really pretty, just like you..." Devon whispered as she played with my hair. My eyes widened slightly and I felt my checks warm up a bit, it caught me off guard, but its Devon so I didn't think to much of it. I mean I'm not really used to complements from her, and we have been friends since like middle school.

"Thanks..." I said quietly and moved my head away from her and looked down, I don't think I'm ugly just not pretty, its just that I don't like the way I look. If that makes sense. I could feel Devon's gaze on me and I heard her sigh. I felt her lift my face up until her gaze met with mine, she smiled and hugged me, I obviously hugged back. I put my head in the crook of my neck, she smells nice. She smells like our apartment which smell like leaves, cinnamon, vanilla, lavender, and coffee. I felt her hands go towards my armpits, the hug was a diversion!

Yandere kny x FEM! reader (being remade, the other is on my profile)Where stories live. Discover now