124 2 21

- Cusing
- Lazyness

No one's POV~

"I can't believe she's here! Better question yet! Why is she here?!" You exclaimed through frustration and pulled the sides of your hair as you walked besides Devon in the hallways going to your locker, Devon in response just smirked and chuckled slightly.

"Agreed. I mean there's probably a reason why Mei's here, same with us. So I wouldn't be too worried about it, besides it's lunch now and I'm hungry, so let's go."

"Aren't you, like, always hungry though-"

"Shhhhhhhh~" Devon put one of her fingers close to your face, but made sure it wasn't touching your lips, sense she knows you don't like physical touch 24/7 and didn't wanna overstep a boundary, you slapped her hand away from your face and gave her a dead panned expression and they just laughed, smiled, then started running to get to the lunch room to save a spot for you. As you were about to go, you accidentally ran into someone. They dropped all their stuff and you bent down quickly to help retrieve their things that they dropped. Instead of helping you, just stared at you. 

What's their problem? 

"I am so so so sorry I wasn't looking where I was going and-" they just walked away. 

Your welcome I guess -,-

??? POV~

Sensei gave us a lot of homework for tonight..I sighed. Did he really have to give us this much? It's not like the homework is a problem, at least not for me, it's pretty manageable. I would just prefer a break is all. I was walking out of class, holding all my stuff when all of a sudden some female with brown hair ran past me, saying something about being hungry and saving a spot for someone? As they ran past me we bumped shoulders and I turned slightly, but as soon as I turned someone ran into me. I turned to look at them, and noticed they picked up my stuff and handed it back to me. I caught a glimpse of their facial features and I felt myself staring at her.

I just couldn't get myself to stop looking at them.

She's really pretty...and seems really nice..

I took in their h/t (hair texture [like soft, or rough looking ect]) h/c hair, which went along with their sparkling e/s, e/c eyes, which greatly complemented the s/t (skin texture [like soft, or rough looking ect]), s/c skin, asking with her l/t, l/s l/c lips. 

I should probably stop staring. She probably thinks its weird...

"I am so so so sorry I wasn't looking where I was going and-" I just walked away, 

sad, I wanted to talk to her but since my arms were full I wasn't able to grab my coin from my pocket... I really wanted to talk to her though...maybe another time... She must be one of the new students, she looked nice and seems like she is so maybe we can be friends... I hope...

Devon's POV~

Where the hell is that woman?! She's so slow! Like miss girl hurry up, do you just want me to starve? Just kidding! She can take the time I'm just really bored and wanna talk to someone. I'm looking around, trying to spot her in the crowd. But then I took notice in Mei, being harassed by...

Wait, is that Zenitzu??? Inosuke??? Nezuko??? Tanjiro??- Wait, why is Zenitzu chasing Tanjiro with what looks to be a frying pan? Better question yet- Where did it even come from? Is it like those animes where characters pull random shit out of their ass-

I wanna take a closer look, because just cause 🤷‍♀️ I'm bored, but also for drama to inform y/n with. Which one though? I chose...

I choose drama, I mean, me and y/n will have at least SOMETHING to talk about during lunch. And wherever Mei goes, drama goes. And boy does she have drama. I mean, can you really blame me for choosing drama? Mei after all is the Queen Bee, so there's bound to be at least something good that comes with drama from her. ESPECIALLY when it comes to boys. When I started getting closer, I started to hear them-

"-YOU ALWAYS MEET THE PRETTY GIRLS FIRST?!!!??!?? ARE YOU JUST LIKE A CHICK MAGNATE OR SOMETHING? TELL  ME!???!!" Yep you guessed it. That's Zenitzu. As he's screaming this at Tanjiro he swings the frying pan at him repeatedly.

"STOP ZENITZU! FOR THE LAST TIME I'M NOT A FREAKING CHICK MAGNATE LIKE BACK OFF!!! AND STOP HITTING ME WITH A FUCKING FRYING PAN WILL YOU!!!!??" It's actually pretty amusing ngl. I look over towards Mei, she's sitting there dotted eyed along with Nezuko. I admire Mei from afar, she's really pretty after all. My favorite part about her is her eyes. They are so pretty, she also hides her emotions really well, that's why you have to look into Mei's eyes to see what she's hiding. She's a really good liar and her eyes give her away easily. I thought back to how we used to be, we used to be really good friends. No, Best friends. We used to be so close, now we're just acquaintances, not even. I miss talking to her, I miss being with her, I miss walking to and from school together, I miss her. But then she started to care more about her social status then friends, and we didn't become important to her. She made a promise that she would never leave. But never make promises you can't keep. That's why you should never believe Mei. I would be lying if I said I didn't use to like her, but now I have- OH! There's y/n! She looks really deep in thought, I wonder what she's thinking about? I'll ask her about it later, only if she wants to share that it.

~Time skip after ??? walked away~
Your POV~

Ummm ok? I'm still so confused about what just happened, but wait- why did that scene look so familiar? It's like I know this scene from the game, but from someone else's POV in the game that's not the main character's storyline, but from which one?

~Time skip to your next class because it's like 1:21 AM and I'm lazy and it's during a test~

What scene is it from though? I definitely know it's not the main characters, but Ive scene this scene before but which one! I know that scene. I've seen that scene, but through a different pair of eyes in the game, but I can't remember which one! Common you useless brain, think! Think! Thin- I thought back to when I ran into that character.

Kanoe. She was always one of my favorite characters, but the story only goes through one set of eyes, the main characters, so which other one? Oh nevermind, they also went through the-

I froze and started to feel a cold sweat form. I almost accidentally dropped my pencil on the ground when it clicked. I just realized which character I am, the best friend of the main character. The first chacter that dies, tragically and painfully at that. I'm not sure, but that's the only other explanation for this, right? But I feel pretty relieved that I figured it out, but im alsoo freaking ot. maybe, but if I am the main character's best friend that means...

The thought makes my skin crawl..

The best friend is who the main leads absolutely hate- wait no. Dispises. Maybe that's what the warning meant when it said don't interact with the characters? So I don't end up getting killed like the last best friend did in the game? What happened was that the main leads hated seeing the mc with her best friend and ended up killing her.

But wait, Kanoe was one of the main leads who absolutely hated the best friend... and one of the first to make a move and kill her...

So maybe I should listen to the letter and not interact with any of the main leads, it shouldn't be too hard.... Right?...

Thoughts ~ Your really pretty, seems really nice, wants to be your friend
Love ~ 4%
Hate ~ 0%

Tadisho secrets -
- You should probably listen to the bolded words when Devon is taking and/or POV

(Also fun fact! The hate percentages could be for either you or the main character! AKA Mei. Sorry I haven't been posting, schools been like really stressful and I lose motivation really easily. OH! I'm adding Tengen BUT I'm not sure whether or not to add his wives? And I'm thinking about adding kaigaku, maybe? What do you guys think of the story so far and about the love interests? Hope your enjoying this so far! Also sorry if it sucks.)

Yandere kny x FEM! reader (being remade, the other is on my profile)Where stories live. Discover now