CHAPTER 2 (edited)

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~time skip 2 weeks later ~ (OMG I'm so so so sorry for the really long update I've been having family, friend, school, and sleep issues lately and this specific chapter have deleted not once, not twice, but SIX FREAKING TIMES WHEN I ONLY HAD LIKE 1 PARAGRAPH LEFT TO WRITE!! AHHHH?! But please bear with me on this with the slow update, thank you for the people reading this! Also sorry if this chapters bad I'm tired but wanted to write a chapter for you people. Enjoy~) and btw your outside sitting underneath the sakura tree for lunch since Devon wasnt at school today since shes sick.

No ones POV:

  Its been about 4 weeks since you and Devon showed up in the game, and you started to take note of how the characters acted around the MC. They were acting really strange. You started to notice how the behavior changed, they started become more.... Possessive is possibly the best word to describe at the moment. But you didn't think much about it, after all you were only a side character after all, what's the worst that could happen? Imagine, you becoming the one they obssess over? But oh (y/n) if only you knew what was coming.... As you were lost in your thoughts you felt tap on your shoulder.

Your POV: 

As I was lost in my own thoughts I felt a tap on my shoulder, which made me jump might I tell you, and turned to confront whoever disturbed me and turned around to look straight into the eyes of a (Tanjiro is 5'5" just an fyi) shorter/taller (depends if your taller or shorter than him) male whom of which had dark Burgundy eyes which also happened to match his short but messy hair that had a tint of black to it, which was also a dark Burgundy. 

"Ummmm sorry miss but, ah I think this is yours?" Tanjiro said as he, calmly, held out a (f/c) pencil towards you. You couldn't even say anything except just stare up at him and blink, not knowing how to respond since he just came out of no where.

"-ss? miss? miss? Sorry to entrude your thoughts, but is this yours?" Tanjiro said, raising a brow slightly in your direction as he waited for you to respond. 

"O-oh yes it is, thank you. It must have fell out by accident. Thank you for grabbing it for me." You replied, clearing your throat after your sudden voice crack, after he cut you off from your thoughts. He smiled at you and apologized for startling you by accident only moments before, but you brushed it off and said it was fine. 

"Oh! I forgot to state my name, I'm Kamado Tanjiro, first year. But Tanjiros just fine since I have a sister that goes here aswell, so it would be just confusing if you called me Kamado along with my sister." He introduced himself to you, smiling slightly at you.

"(L/n) (y/n), second year, but (y/n)'s just fine. I dont like the formalitys." You pat the open spot next to you so he wouldn't have to keep standing.

He gladly took the spot next to you and sat down, turning his head to look at you still. "Well, nice to meet you (y/n), I hope we can get along." We continued to converse with one another, acting like 'how are you', 'how's school going', ect. You get the point.

"Wait, where are the people you normally hangout with? Don't you normally sit over there?" You realized as you reached your arm out slightly and pointed to where the gang was sitting, including Mei sadly. Raising a brow slightly in his direction.

He looked to where you were pointing and sighed then looked back over towards you and started to explain, "You seemed lonely, sense that girl that your normally with wasn't here today, and Kanoe brought you up once at the table and said that you seem really nice. Oh! And I saw your pencil drop out of your backpack when you were talking, and when I tried to come over to give it to you, you were gone." Oh, that makes sense. But you felt a sorta happy shock that he actually took notice of you. 

Wait...Kanoe? You then remembered your encounter with the random female in the halls, wondering why she looked so familiar, then realized why, and felt your eyes widen in realization. Oh my god I'm stupid.. You felt your skin slightly crawl as you remembered your previous thoughts from two weeks ago after that encounter, but decided to pounder the thought later.

Authors POV:

You and Tanjiro both continued to talk to one another, enjoying each others company, until the bell rung and you both had to part ways.

As you both stood, going over to the trash cans to throw all your garbage away, then head back to class Tanjiro looked at you and smiled. "Hey, (y/n)?"

"hm?" You responded back while looking up/down at him with your empty lunch bag in hand.

"I was wondering if we could, you know, talk again?" He asked, then quickly added, "I mean I enjoyed talking to you, so I wanted to get to know you more. If that makes sense."

I blinked before smiling slightly at him, then nodded. He sighed with relief before smiling at you as well, "well in that case, ill see ya around (y/n)!" You both parted ways after heading into the school together and went to different classes. You knew you probably shouldn't have agreed to that, considering what was said in the note, but you decided you weren't gonna let that stop you from making friends with the characters.

Oh (y/n).. If only you knew that was the first step of your downfall...

??? POV:

I was walking down the dimly let hallway of my home, a blank expression on my face, as I made my way to my room as I looked down at the photo that was in my hand. Smiling slightly, the only form of emotion shown.

"so, so pretty..." I mumbled to myself as I caressed where the person's face was in the photo with my thumb gently, still walking.

I sighed as I put the photo into the back pocket of my jeans, my face back to a blank stare, as I looked straight ahead again. Finally making it to my room as I opened my door and stepped inside, closing it behind me.

I took another step inside, then another, until I got to my desk and sat down in my chair as I looked at all the photos on the wall, "I can't wait for you to be mine..." I leaned forward and smiled slightly again, a small blush dusting my cheeks in a light pink hue, as I reached forward and gently caressed one of the many photos that were hanging up and sighed quietly.

"... Y/n..."

Yandere kny x FEM! reader (being remade, the other is on my profile)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum