"My Hero" part 2 |\|Thomas Shelby|/|

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You had locked yourself in your room, not letting anyone in but Francis. And that was just when your dad had her bring you meals. It had been a week of this, and your dad was trying everything he could to get you out. He even tried to have aunt Ada convince you to come out, she was always your favorite of his siblings. Not that Arthur wasn't fun or anything, but Ada understood what it was like to grow up the only girl in a Shelby household. 

"Charles told me what you were going to do y/n." You kept quiet, waiting for your dad to continue. "I understand feeling like you need to run. Sometimes, we do need to. If you want to leave, I won't stop you. I know that I can't.  It's in your blood as much as it is mine. But you have to come back." You didn't have to see him to know he was leaning back against the door, eyes closed, thinking about every time he left. Remembering his trips with Charlie. Maybe thinking about your mum, and how she died. How much easier it would be if she was still here. 

"I told you already. I made up my mind that I'm staying." You sat by the window, looking out across the property and towards the city. Part of you wanted to be back there, in the dirt and grime of Birmingham, maybe cause a bit of trouble for your dad. 

"So let me in. We all want you back y/n/n. Let us help you." You clenched your fist at your side.

"Help me? How exactly do you plan to do that? I don't think that I want help from anyone who was involved in the death of my fiancé, actually, I can't think of anyone who would." You stood up aggressively. You weren't even sure why. You just turned to be looking out the window completely, so you could no longer see the door. 

"I know what he meant to you. But you're a smart girl, you knew knew he was using you and you knew it couldn't last. You still need time, and I can accept that. But you can't shut people out forever." He opened the door. I knew he had a key of course, it is his house, but he was respecting my privacy in not using it. 

"The least you could have done was make me pull the trigger." Your voice was barely above a whisper. "Then I'd be the only one responsible for his death. I wouldn't be able to blame anyone else." You fought back tears, much better than you had with Charlie. It was always easier to be strong around your dad. "I don't want to be angry at you, or Arthur, or Finn. Any of you. But I was happy with him. You were able to change Grace, what if I could change him, you'd have one less enemy"

"If you did that his dad would have been the one to put a bullet in his head, and probably into your own. I didn't want to burry another one of my children." It felt like every muscle in your body gave up, you dropped your head, your knees felt weak, and your grasp on the window sill relaxed. The only reason you were still upright is because your hands stayed on the ledge, holding you up. Your dad finally abandoned his place in the doorway and came to put an arm around your back. "Look outside. The world hasn't ended. So you have to keep moving. One day, things will be better. And until then, you just keep going. Even when all seems lost. Your uncle and I, we were tunnelers, clay kickers. And we would crawl through utter darkness for miles and miles. There was one instance, making out way back to friendly territory, we were told there would be a corner to turn. And after this, there would be just a tiny shaft of light. And that's how we would know we were close to the end. You just need to turn that corner, and you'll see. You will make it out of this, you're a fighter." You have nothing to say. You know he's right but you refuse to admit it. "Now, I'll leave you. Get yourself ready, and then I'm going to drive you down to the pub and let's see if we can't get you working again, alright?" You nod, and feel his arm leave your back. You don't move until you hear him shit the door behind him. 

Not 10 minutes later you're walking down the stairs for the first time in a week. Charlie's in the passenger seat of the car, waiting for your dad. "Move, Charlie." You aren't asking, and your brother knows better than to get in your way. 

"Feeling better already then, good." Your dad hops into the driver's seat and you're off. The car ride is silent and you like it this way. You're pretty sure your dad does too. Charlie seems to want to talk, but knows better than to do so. You enter the Garrison first, with your dad right behind you, and Charlie trailing behind.

"There she is! Nice to see you out and about again." Arthur was as enthusiastic as ever "How about you give your favorite uncle a hug, ay?"

"For God's sake Arthur, let the poor girl breathe. Can I get you anything doll?" Ada gives you a sympathetic smile as you swipe one of your dad's cigarettes

"Just a water if you don't mind" she puts a glass in front of you.  "Thank you Ada."

"I'm always here if you want to talk. I understand your situation a little better than I should" she shoots my dad a glare, which he ignores. 

"Speaking of situations, we have one in London I need to deal with. Arthur, things are to proceed here as we discussed only instead of me being with you, it'll be y/n. Any information you may need is in my desk, so you can read up on the details over dinner tonight." Charlie is clearly upset. 

"How come she gets to do it?" He complains 

"Because Charlie, this isn't your side of business. You're coming to London, with me, to deal with the little export issue." So, we're having problems at the docks again. You pray nobody's been stealing this time. Though, dealing with that would technically be your responsibility, not Charlie's. So likely someone's just demanding more money where there doesn't need to be any. Although you have the mind for the legit side of things, you would undoubtedly be bored senseless. So, instead of shackling you to the Shelby Company Ltd. your dad has let you become the first official female Peaky Blinder. Everyone agrees that Polly was the unofficial first, but you were the natural successor for your father, and he couldn't have his name off the streets once he was gone. 

And so, your dad left with Charlie for London that evening, leaving you alone with the house. You settled in at his desk with a glass of whiskey and got to reading his plans. You were going to be expanding the territory. He trusted you and Arthur, along with any men you deemed necessary for the job, to take two new pubs simultaneously. So you'd have the forces divided. The task was certainly daunting, but he trusted you to get it done and he wouldn't do that if you couldn't handle it. So, it seems your reintroduction would be made with quite a show. You opened up your own agenda, and two days from now you marked with a black star. You had lots to prepare, luckily Arthur had been working with the rest of the men for that week you locked yourself away. So, come time for the big day, everyone was ready. Arthur took one half of the men, you took the other. Once inside you called the other pub, confirmed they were ready and gave Arthur the green light. Both of you were able to handle the measly numbers that turned up with ease. When all was said an done you climbed up onto one of the tables. "Can everyone hear me? I've got your attention? Good, cause I will say this once, and only once. This Place is under new management. By order of the Peaky Blinders." 

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