"Run In With The Law" |\|Jonathan Crane|/|

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For someone like you, this new Gotham was a paradise, not so much a prison. You didn't have much growing up, and sometimes had to steal to get by. It didn't stop as you got older though, it actually got worse. You made a living for yourself in the shady parts of the city. You got caught once, served a few weeks for petty theft, really wasn't a big deal to you. Now that Bane had taken over the city and brought it to anarchy however, you could live like a queen. Your name had been well enough known in the underworld that you mostly get left alone, and anyone stupid and/or ballsy enough to try and mess with you was lucky if they left your new penthouse any way other than over the balcony railing. It wasn't too long before you heard about some trials happening, sentencing hearings really, for the corrupt corporate assholes who'd made your life a living hell. Naturally, you decide to check it out, you imagine it will be quite satisfying watching them beg for mercy. So you make your way downtown and follow the crowds of people. It's far from a proper court, a single chair sat before a massive tower of desks, mobs of people on either side. Atop the massive safety hazard tower over everything else in the room sat a man that could only be the judge. He looked rather familiar, where had you seen that devilishly handsome face before? That's it! He was a psychologist at the Arkham Asylum, Doctor Crane. You only saw him briefly while you were locked up. Headed to assess some other inmate to see if they were crazy enough for the insanity plea. He looked good though, even if he was hard to see it was impossible to deny that. So you spent the day hanging around, a few of the men actually ended up choosing death over exile, which you found interesting. You had your fun, and in the evening you decide to head to you favorite bar. It had been taken over by one of Gotham's crime syndicates at the start of all this, but they didn't mind a pretty girl coming around every now and then so long as you didn't start trouble.  

"What'll it be tonight Miss y/l/n? The regular?" The bartender asked, flashing you a broken smile.

"I'm thinking we spice it up tonight Tony, surprise me." You were pretty good pals with Anthony, he grew up down the street from you. Always getting into mischief together. You helped eachother out in the bad times, when you could afford to at least, and when you couldn't you'd always make up for it. 

"And for you, y/n/n it's on the house." He sets a glass in front of you. Much prettier than usual, a nice glass with a bright orange cocktail that reminds you of the sunset, it's garnished with a slice of lime, a sprig of mint, and a cherry floating in the glass. "Rum Sunset. Thought I'd being a bit of brightness to your day" 

"Well thank you, you didn't have to do all this. At least let me pay you." You would feel bad for just taking this for free, but he refuses. At last you give in and try it. Despite its looks it's actually very simple, spiced rum and some orange juice, a bit of grenadine for the colour. It's as warm as it's name suggests. Anthony catches you up on some , and you tell him about the latest attempt to rob the penthouse you took up residence in. As you two are catching up you notice someone new walk in. He takes a seat a couple stools down from you. When you shoo Anthony away to go assist a paying customer you look over only to realize it's Dr. Crane. "Actually, I'll pay for his drink Tony." 

"Do I know you?" Having caught his attention he turns to face you, and now you get a proper look at him. He looks even better up close it seems.

"No. I was at your little courthouse today though. Must say, it's quite a gig you got there Doctor Crane."

"Yes, I suppose it is. Not much use for a psychiatrist now, so I do what I can. Clearly you know who I am but I can't say the same about you. You have a name?" You're a little surprised as it's been a while since you ran into someone who didn't know you, but he was legit before all this. As far as you know. Though, it doesn't make sense to you that he'd hold the position he does if he didn't have connections of his own. 

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