RAW Before WrestleMania

991 28 58

April 2

WrestleMania is next Sunday and fans are excited. Ronda and Kurt vs Stephanie and Triple H. John Cena vs the Undertaker. The Miz will face Finn Balor and Seth Rollins for the Intercontinental Championship. The Club will face the Bar for the Tag Titles. Alexa Bliss will face Mickie James for the Women's Championship. And finally Brock Lesnar will face Damian Calaway for the Universal Championship in a Buried Alive Match.

Suffice to say, everyone was hyped for WrestleMania 34.

We see The Power Couple and Kurt and Ronda signing a contract for their match. They trade insults before signing it. Then it led to a fight in which Steph sent Ronda through the table as she was trying to chokeslam or choke out her husband.

(Imagine Ronda using a Chokeslam lol)

The Power Couple pose until...

The crowd pops as Stephanie and Hunter's cocky, confident face turn to confusion and fear. Soon, the titantron cuts to somewhere dark. Suddenly, a skull appears. But it looks familiar. It was actually Triple H's Skull mask with the crown.

Then a foot came down and crushes the skull, breaking into peaces. A low growl was heard everything went dark. The gong was heard again, and everything went back to normal. Stephanie and Hunter however were creeped out and scared. Seems that was a mind game from Damian. Or...was it a prediction to the future?


We see Paul Heyman, having somewhat recovered from the torture he went through, talking to Kurt, asking him for a favor that Brock wouldn't provoke Damian, despite him not physically there.

Paul tries to deflect and fact laugh, but he and Kurt and everyone else knew that Damian is not someone to be messed with. He goes to leave until he felt something or someone was watching him.

He stood behind a TV screen until it cuts to a head shot of Damian, getting a loud reaction as he wasn't seen since his attack on the Chairman. Paul froze as Damian turns his eyes towards him. Paul slowly turns and Damian disappears before Heyman could see him.

Paul shakes off the fear and leaves, not noticing Damian came on the screen to watch him leave. He then turns to the camera and his eyes rolled back. Suddenly, the TV started shaking violently before falling down. A worker arrives as it turns over the TV to show the screen is broken, with Damian gone.


We see John Cena calling out the Undertaker, trying to get an answer to his challenge for a match at WrestleMania. No matter what he said, no matter how many people chanted for the Deadman, he doesn't show up tonight.

Cena ends this by saying Undertaker not only left his hat in the ring, but all left his balls back home. He goes to leave the ring, with the crowd disappointed Undertaker didn't show up. As John was walking up the ramp, a lightning bolt stroke down in front of him, making him jump back from the shock.

The crowd immediately popped as they think Undertaker is finally here to answer to Cena's challenge. Suddenly, the titatron caught something horrifying.

It showed a murder of crows pecking and eating on something. Then when some flew away, it shows the ravaged body of John Cena with only his skeleton, his clothes, which was also ripped, and some parts of flesh left.

John looks on with a horrified look in his eyes before a low growl was heard. Soon...

The Future of the Deadman [EDITED]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu