Return to America

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Mark: So...I feel like what happened in the match between wasn't supposed to happened.

Damian: Yep. When Joe and I got the script of what we need to do, we felt it wasn't that interesting. Joe didn't wanted to upset Vince, but I told him we could improvise our match and make it more interesting.

Mark: Honestly, you guys did well. I like how Joe decided to for mid air moves like that Flying Superman Punch. Oh, and that Tombstone counter? Joe really redeemed himself with that.

Damian: He told me it was best performance yet. And also told me that removing the vest was very big for him as he felt he shouldn't show the fat he had before. But now, he felt free without it and felt he should wrestle without it.

Mark: Really? Damn. Look at my boy here. Done a good deed. *ruffles his hair*

Damian: *chuckles* It's not like that, dad. But, yeah. Thankfully we can go back to the United States. It was not fun being here in Saudi Arabia.

Mark: Me neither. I get that there's a different culture out here, but it doesn't mean I can accept it.

Damian: I agree.

Mark: Plus, I'll get to be with Michelle and Kaia for the whole week.

Damian: And me away from the misogynistic and outdated country is fine by me, along with me drinking enough beer to forget being here.

Mark: And not that you promise Kanako to spend time with her once we arrive?

Damian: I did that to cheer her up. Though...honestly, being away from her this long...made me feel I should do it.

Mark: You missed her, don't you?

Damian gave a small glare before sighing.

Damian: Yes. She's fun and...cute. She's more engaging than my ex.

Mark: Yep. And I heard she likes to be around you too.

Damian: Was it that obvious that everyone knows?

Mark: Unfortunately. Though, they try not to talk with you around as they know you'll kick their asses.

Damian sighs as he lays down.

*much later*

Michelle, Kaia and Kanako are seen waiting at the airport for their men-I mean-Mark and Damian to arrive from their trip to Saudi Arabia. Kanako was eager to see Damian again as she waits patiently with Mark's wife and daughter.

Michelle: Eager to see Damian again?

Kanako: Uhh...Hai.

Michelle: I see. Mark and I talked about you two being seen talking to each other.

Kanako: Really? I thought we were secretive.

Michelle: Guess not.

Kanako: Nantekotta. (Oh, God) *covers her face*

Kaia: Why are you embarrassed?

Kanako: Because I didn't want others to see us talking.

Michelle: There's no need to feel embarrassed, Kanako. I guess it's because you're respecting Damian's privacy by going to talk with him in places no one can hear you two.

Kanako: Mmhmm. I don't know if he would feel mad others know about us.

Michelle: Not really. Mark sent me a message before they arrive at Saudi Arabia that Damian spilled the beans himself before shutting up from embarrassment.

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