Chapter 1

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This is all in Percy's P.O.V.


Gabe got a hold of my neck and lifted me off the ground it was scary I stayed like that for 5 mins not able to breath or scream or talk then my mom Sally rushed in and pushed Gabe off of me. I was so scared the last thing I saw before I ran to my room was Gabe standing over a knocked out Sally with a cut on her cheek.

"Hello, Earth to Percy?" Said Jake waving his hand in front of my face ' what?' I signed back. oh y ah when Gabe strangled me he closed my windpipe so I could only get enough air to breath. We moved very shortly after that so nobody would notic. So here I was my first day at Goode High yay I met this really nice guy named Jake and his gang you know the jocks and cheerleaders.




two ow months later

"yeah I heard Percy cant even talk he is so dumb" that is what I per heard the people that I called friends well used to i stormed up to them and signed ' you don't know half of the story why I am like this so shut up!!!' Then I stormed off I have had enough of those people. I went home early and when I walked in the door I almost idmeadialtly got hit in the head with a beer bottle "come here you little @&$? Face you came home early what did your friends hurt you again you brat it's time for some fun" he said as he took off his belt then he punched and kicked me to the floor rolled me over and started whipping reopening everything all of the old marks from last night All of the marks from last week everything eventually I blacked out I think it was around thirty whips.

Next morning

Of course the people from yesterday like Jake were waiting for me outside they ambushed me they started pushing and kicking i was on the ground in a matter of seconds they really liked to kick my ribs which I probably broke a few yesterday and my back good god it hurt. "that's for eves dropping on us!" "Yeah" " does that hurt little Jackson mhhmm I think it does okay everyone get to school" said Jake he was the one that kicked and punched the most " you " he spat " you made me look like a freak bringing you to our table never come near me again" I got up and ran all the way to school. As u was looking back to make sure I wasnot being followed I ran into a girl with choppy brow hair and kalidisckope eyes. It hurt like crazy. 'im so sorry ' I signed for some reason she could understand sign language 'it's okay ' she signed back.' I can hear I just can't talk' " oh thank goodness it is hard to sign! I didn't want to have to do it all the time" 'all the time?' "yeah we are friends now right ?" 'Okay' "here I'll introduce you to my friends" we caught up with a group of kids and piper introduces us one caught my eye i think piper said her name was Annabeth.

Percy Abused and MutedWhere stories live. Discover now