meaning behind this story

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Hi well there was a greater meaning behind all of this. The meaning is not everything end up how you want it to. Life isn't perfect. Not everyone runs into the sunset holding hands. Life isn't like that. We wish it was but it's not. I decided to put reality in this to see how it would really turn out. In all actuality Percy would have so many injuries he would not have been physically possible for him to live with it. Remember that you need to reach out for help if you are being abused or hurt. Emotionally or physically no matter if it's by your parents or someone at school someone will always listen. Have a Great day. Remember reaching out for help is the first step to a new life. Also if you are feeling suicidal call the suicide help line you can find one for your country on the internet. I hope all of you have a great day. Reach out.

Percy Abused and MutedHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin