chapter 9

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You guys are going to kill me I mean ask Blasierod (I spelled it wrong on purpose) but legit get your guns and knifes ready. Imma die today.

Trigger warning


Percys POV

I was worried about Annabeth. She had lost a significant amount of weight and there were always bags around her now dull and colorless eyes. I dont want to see her like this I never want to. She looks like she was the one who got shot.

I couldn't help but think it was my fault. If she had never met me then Thalia would still be alive. She would be fine and happy. She wouldn't be dying from the inside out.

I never want to see her like this.

Annabeth POV

I felt nothing, nothing except for self hatred. If I had just jumped in front of the bullet Thalia would still be alive. It's all my fault everything is my fault. I fell to the floor clutching my head as the words swirled around in my head. It was your fault everything was your fault. Shed be here if you had saved her. This is all your fault. She let out a slight whimper grabbing a note book scribbling down something barely legible. An apology note for everything.

She raced to her bathroom grabbing the closest knife she could find. She sat in the bathtub and filled it with cold water. In two quick cuts to both of the main artery's in her wrist she was bleeding out almost painlessly. Nobody came to save her, nobody came to stop her. She soon slipped into darkness. Nobody had saved her nobody could change what she did. It was too late. She was a lost cause as she would have put it.

Third person POV

A few weeks later there was a  memorial service. It was small but everyone there shed one tear at least. One person shed no tears. He had no tears left to shed. Because he was being buried as well. Percy and Annabeth looked nothing like they normally do. Laying in coffins beside eachother.

Chiron came in place of Annabeths absent father. He shed the most tears for those two kids were like his children. Piper had to leave early because she couldn't stop crying.

So much had happened in their lives. Everyone eventually carried on with their lives. It took a few years. Later on when Piper and Jason got married they named their first born child Annie after their lost friend.

Gabe Ugliano never left jail and got killed by one of his inmates. Piper cried with joy. Nobody ever really recovered from that. Nobody could. Nobody would forget the names of Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase. Nobody would ever forgive Gabe Ugliano and everyone knew it was Gabe's fault.

Everyone carried on with their lives. It was hard but in the end it worked. Whenever their names were mentioned everyone swallowed the lump in their throught and remembered the good times wih Percy and Annabeth when Annabeth had a sparkle in her eyes and Percy still smiled. The good old days is what they referred to it as.

They only focused on the good days because those were the ones that mattered. They couldn't focus on the bad stuff. They all had their bad days. They all lost the sun a few times. They all knew the penalties of sinking and they never let themselves sink. Chiron took their deaths harder than any other demigod that had ever existed.


Wow but yep I think that was a better ending than the other one. A lot sadder but better. I hope you have a good rest of the day. Also Blasierod knew about all of this. She also knows what I'm going to do in the next book I'm making called Eveything You Want it is a Solangelo book so enjoy nobody commits suicide I think idk maybe.


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