Chapter 6

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Gus's POV:

'Why did I do that?! Ugh, I know Luz told me to be confident and makes moves but I totally screwed up!' I thought to myself as I ran away from the café, no coffee for me I guess. After I finished panicking while running, I realized where my feet took me. The graveyard.

But of course, I'm thinking of Matt so why not go to place which reminds me of him most. I was too tired to turn back, so I just sat down beside one of the statues.

'I've always tired to be upfront with him, calling him hot and what not. Most of the time I mean it in a friendly way, but I just make it more embarrassing by running away or some stupid shit.'

I curled my legs up to my chest and wrapped my arms around my legs. I rested my head on my knees, while tears formed in my eyes. I didn't know why though, I've been the idiot ruining mine and Matt's friendship, so why am I crying over my own mistakes?!

Just as I let another tear fall from my eye, I felt a small tap on my shoulder. I look up to see a familiar figure standing in front of me.

    "Huh? Graveyard Keeper? (I don't know his name 🖐😭) What are you doing h-here?" I said, choking on my own words.

   "I thought I heard someone. You know being an old man like me, there's only so many places to be. Especially when people are scared of you." He said to me, I kinda felt bad.

   "But anyway," He continued, "Why are you crying Gus?"

"I-" I started, but quickly decided against it. "It's nothing. As much as I appreciate it, you wouldn't understand."

"Judging books by their covers, huh? Try me."

"Well- it's with Matt. Me and him have this confusing relationship and I keep on messing up. I just..." I sighed, thinking of all my feelings currently whirling in my stomach. "I want to not be nervous around him. To actually be able to talk to him like a normal witch again."

"Ah! Well I guess you were right! I don't understand one bit of that."

"Yeah.. not even I can understand." I looked at the ground, observing all the tiny rocks, and little grass bits in the dirt. Basically trying to occupy my mind with anything except my current situation.

I so badly wanted these feelings to go away. Far away. Me and Matt were best friends. Nothing more. But no matter how many times I tried to convince myself of it, I failed. Every time I see him, I just blurt out something stupid. If only I just- just didn't have to see him at all.


I could do that. Ignore him.

It wouldn't be long of course. Just until these feelings go away.

Yeah, that seems like the best idea!!

I don't know how I'll achieve it but-

"Kid? Kid? You okay?"

"Huh? Oh yeah, sorry. Kind of spaced out for a minute. Sorry, what were you saying?" I said, quickly snapping my head back up to look at the keeper.

"It's not important. Hey kid? Just- make sure you're getting sleep, ok? And drinking water!"

(^That goes to you guys too)

"Yeah, of course. Actually, speaking of sleep, it's getting late. I should-" I started but got cut off.

"-go home? No problem. Hope you get your issue resolved."

"Thanks, I have an idea how." I stood up from where I was sitting, and waved to the keeper as I left the graveyard. The walk home was silent, no noises to disturb me and my thoughts. Which was fine, but I was tired, so all I was thinking of was sleep.

I finally made it to my house, and grabbed a spare key from my pocket. It wasn't too late, but I'm sure my dad won't be too impressed. As I entered my house, my dad was waiting there. Just as I thought.

I briefly explained to him to situation- actually I didn't really mention the situation. I lied. I said I just had extra school work and had to stay in the class. Obviously he had questions, but I dismissed them and slowly escaped to my room.

I plopped down on my bed and fell asleep within an instant. Tomorrow, tomorrow is when I'll start my new plan.

(A/N: yep I'm not dead. Not that anyone cares? But still, I managed to do this chapter because I'm bored and honestly want to try to fix mistakes from previous chapters. And that's hard man. Anyways, I hoped you enjoyed reading and the next will come out.... never?)

788 words

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