Chapter 8

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Matt's POV:

"What the hell Luz! You can't just say that and leave. I know you're there so answer me already! Call me back." I said into my phone. I've already sent 24 voice mails, and apparently the 25th isn't the charm.

I sighed and finally decided she wouldn't answer back, so I put my phone down. If I couldn't get answers from Luz I need to talk to someone who Luz would tell her answers to. That's right. Amity Blight.

   Me and Amity aren't the best of friends.. but we don't hate each other. I think. We've just, never really been in contact. But she's the only way I can know if Luz was joking.

    Maybe I'm overreacting... but this could change mine and Gus' relationship forever. We could.. go on dates.. and buy each other presents.. OH! And we can- stop it Matt. Don't get your hopes up. It'll only lead to more disappointment.

It was already 4:36 P.M. and I know Amity's mom doesn't like me, so I'd have to go now if I wanted to talk to her. I contemplated going tomorrow, but decided against it and hopped off my bed. Grabbing my phone, I left my room and went downstairs.

Obviously no one was home, so I didn't need to tell anyone where I was going. I put on my shoes and grabbed my jacket. It was weather where it's too hot to wear a coat but too cold to not wear one, so I just brought one in case.

I shoved my phone and my keys down my pocket, and headed out the door. I haven't actually ever been to Amity's house, but Luz tells me her address all the time for some reason.

As I walked down the street, I saw a far too familiar face. I quickly tried to hide my face, but I guess it was too late.

"Hey Matty~" Bria said while walking up to me. "What you did at the café was so not nice!"

I looked around and realized she didn't have anyone with her. That was odd for Bria, usually she'd have people to help her beat up others.

"What do you want Bria." I said bitterly, "I have somewhere more important to be."

"You're no fun." She said while rolling her eyes, but it looked as if she realized something, because she was now standing in front of me, with her head to the floor. "I uh-... sorry?"

I was shocked. And confused. At first I thought I may have hearing problems, but I figured that wasn't logical.

   "Excuse me?" I said, the bitterness leaving my tone... for a bit. "Did you just say sorry?? Correct me if I'm wrong, but you are Bria, right? You know, the self absorbed bitch who bullies people for no reason?"

   "Ugh yes." She said while rolling her eyes." Listen, I know I'm not the best witch-"

  I almost laughed. She's no where near the best witch. Gus is.

   "-but I want to make up for my actions."

  I was left in shock.

  "But.. why? Why now?" I asked, still completely confused. I thought I was dreaming.

  "Well... I transferred to Hexside a few months ago. Not a lot of people liked me, actually, no one did. I had hurt them all! Yet when they saw how scared I was... they opened up. At Glandus, that never could've happened! But they did, even Boscha said she'd treat me like a regular student here, which I'm not sure is a good thing... but still!"

    "Wow... Bria that's.. awesome. You know, if you've really switched your life, maybe we can try being friends again. But one wrong move and you'll regret it."

   "What? Oh, no thanks. Listen Matt, I don't deserve you. I'd probably do something to hurt you again, and I don't want to." She said to me, she sounded.... genuine.

   "It's up to you Bria. But just in case, me and my friends are having a sleepover this weekend. If you have time, I'm sure they won't mind if you join for a bit."

  "Thanks Matty, or just Matt- whatever you'd like. I know 'Matty' doesn't have good memories linked with it." She smiles at me, I'm not used to it. "Anyways, I'll let you go now. You said you had somewhere to be."

  "Matt is fine with me, and yeah I do. I'm going to see Amity, but hey, see you around?"

  "Yeah, thanks again Matt." She said while we walked our own separate paths. Honesty, I would've though pigs could fly before Bria being nice, but I guess everyone changes.


    I arrived at Amity's house, and took a deep breath in before knocking on the house door. I stood for a little, expecting someone to greet me, but nothing. I twisted the knob to notice it was unlocked. I'm sure she wouldn't mind.

    I walked inside the house and there was an abomination wearing a bow tie standing there.

   "Um... do you know where Amity is?" I asked, kinda of awkward since it was just a blob of magic.

    The abomination pointed towards down a hall, and I was about to start walking when I heard a voice.

   "Woah dude, breaking and entering? Not what I thought of you Matt, but cool"

   I turned around to see Edric standing behind me, Emira beside him.

  "Oh, I'm just here for Amity. I have a few questions. Plus, the door was unlocked."

   Emira smacked Edric on the back of his head, it was probably his job to lock the doors".

   "Yeah ok, cmon I'll take you to Mittens." Emira said while walking past me and towards the hallway where the abomination was recently pointing to.

     I didn't say anything else, I just followed her until she stopped in front of a door.

   "Here we are bud. Oh, and be careful. You're one of my favourites" She said while winking. She turned around and walked away, leaving me in the hallway alone.

   I knocked on Amity's door, and was answered with a: "Leave me alone! You guys are so annoying!!"

    She probably though I was her siblings.

   "Amity? It's Matt, I need to ask you a few things" I slightly yelled through the door. I waited for a response, but heard nothing. Shortly after, her door opened to reveal Amity Blight standing in front of me.

    "Dude, you have my number. You could've just texted me." Amity said while gesturing to come in.

  I walked inside and sat on her bed, while she closed the door and sat on a chair beside her desk.

     "You haven't unblocked me yet, plus I need to do this in person." I said while fidgeting with my hands, at this point I didn't know if I really wanted the answer.

   "Sure, I'm all ears."

   "...does Gus like me?"

   She was silent for a moment, probably taking it all in.

    "Luz said something and didn't give you answers so you're coming to me, right?" She said while sighing.

  "Yeah.. I thought you might know since she tells you everything." I was kind of getting impatient, but I tried my hardest to not be rude.

    "Well, you didn't need to come to me. Really you could've gone to anyone. Willow, Hunter, King, Eda, Vee, Edric and Emira, even Luz's mom knows!"

    "Oh. So everyone other than me...knows if he does or doesn't like me. Huh." It must be obvious then, the answer. Meaning it's probably a no-

   "He does. For serious. And we all know you like him too."

  "That's... wow. I think... I think I'll ask him out. During the sleepover."

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