Chapter 7

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Gus's POV

'Alright.. alright.. it's okay.. I can do this.'

I kept on repeating that to myself over and over again, maybe sometime I'll actually believe it. Last night, I came up with a plan I thought might help me. But now that I'm walking to school, I realized just how much me and Matt talk.

It's literally impossible to avoid him without seeming rude! And I wanted to get rid of only a few feelings, not the whole friendship!! If he's going to hate me in the end I might as well shoot my shot.

Who am I kidding? Me? Actually being flirtatious? Possible, of course, just not with Matt. I get so flustered and run away like a scaredy cat. Case and point as to why exactly I'm doing this. I just need to tell Luz and maybe she'll help me with this-

"Oh, hey Gus! What happened yesterday? You seemed upset..." I focused back into reality and realized Matt was standing right in front of me.

"I... gotta go." I said blankly as I speed-walked away. Ok, that went good. Just don't look back. Don't look back. Don't look back. Don't look back. Don't look back. Don't look back.

I looked back, and saw Matt still standing where I left him. I continued walking, but now I felt much worse because Matt looked so... hurt. I hated when I saw Matt like that. And usually I'd help him out, and get rid of what made him feel like that. But now I made him feel like that. I did. Me. Augustus Porter made Matt Tholomule (pls I can't with Matt's real name 😭) feel like that. Maybe this won't be so easy after all.

* * *

" 'kay wait.. explain that again?"

"Luz! I've already told you 3 times!" I half yelled at Luz, who was now sitting beside me in my room after taking 3/4 off of the school day.

"Alright.. so you basically love Matt-"

"Not love! Like! Like, ok?"

"Fine. So you 'lIkE' Matt, and because you do... you're avoiding him?" Luz said to me, obviously very confused.

"Yes. Because if I told him, it would make things....?"

"Awkward and weird. You've told me that part a thousand times." Luz rolled onto her back, and put her hands on her face in frustration.

"So?" I said, "can you help me or what?"

"No. No way José am I letting a perfect couple go to waste!" She sat back up and was now looking at me like I was some kind of monster.

"Ugh! Luz you're no help at all-"


"Oh, Matt's calling me." Luz said while picking up her phone off the floor beside her.

"Yeah.. probably to find out if I'm dead or something. He's called me like 20 times" I said while rolling my eyes. Yeah it felt nice to know he cares, but it does get a bit annoying.

Luz slides the call button on her phone and stands up to exit the room. I give her a look that says 'what are you doing', but she doesn't see and leaves anyway.

Luz's POV:

I left the room, even though I knew Gus would want to hear the call. I put the phone up to my ear and answered-

"Hello? Matt, why are you calling?"

"Is Gus dead or something??! He's not answering his phone!" Matt frantically screamed over the phone. He was panicking for sure.

"Yeah he's safe. Why, huh? Why do you care so much Matt?" I said, with a mischievous look on my face, even though I know he couldn't see.

"What are you- he's my best friend Luz. I don't know what you're trying to suggest, but he'd never like me." Matt said, and I could basically hear the eye roll from him.

"But that doesn't mean you don't like him, is that right?" I was so tempted to blurt everything Gus just told me, but for the sake of witch-kind, I won't.


"If I admit I like him, and you promise not to tell a soul, will you tell me where he is?" Pfffft. Matt thought he was being smart with that offer.

"Sorry bozo, you just did admit you like him. But hey, I'll give you a heads up. He likes you too. Groms coming up in like 2 months, you should ask him."
I am the perfect Cupid.
"oh but don't tell anyone I told you any of this." No one should know the identity of a Cupid.

"Ha ha. Funny." Matt sarcastically said, "..Wait are you being serious?"

"LUZ!! WHEN ARE YOU COMING BACK???!" Gus shouted to me from inside his bedroom.

"Yes I'm being serious." I tried to quickly sum it up. "You both are madly in love with each other and should start dating. Ok byeeee I got to go."

I quickly hung up the phone, stuffed it in my pocket, and walked back into the room. I felt my phone vibrate from inside my pocket.

He's probably spam calling me for answers.

(A/N: short chapter but I'm trying to finish the book. I'm so close to the end!! Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed!)

Is it love?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon