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After class I asked Pony if he can show me around town😍.

"y'know why the fuck not i got no other friends here." He replied sweetly.😘

I was so excited to know a lot about my new community🤗. But soon Pony boy had to be bring me back to earth. It was basically war against the people with some shit in their against the people that have a small stick up their 🍑,also known as poor vs rich( BOY WAS I FAR FROM RICH💀), also known as Southside Socs 🤡vs eastside Greasers👹. During are walk back to my place I noticed that there was this dirty ass park👀, i asked pony on what's the deal with the park...


That bitch got me fucked up😔, she fr asked me the "deal" about the lot...(WE ALL KNOW WHAT HAPPEND THERE🙈) Although it had been a year since my runaway with Johnny, i still couldn't be in that park without memory's rushing in my head😣. THE FOUTAIN WATER STILL HAD A TINT OF RED IN IT (that's how you know are neighborhood is dirty af🙄. Because of how dumb i was I told Betty the whole entire story😟. (ykyk) After my fantastic story telling, Betty just stood their like an idiot💀. I was about to leave her ass at the park when the same blue mustang was driving in are neighborhood. Because "I couldn't think with my head"🙄🙄🙄 i grabbed Betty's wrist and quickly took her to my place. Like i was running so fast that i thought i was in heaven with Johnny cake running on fucking clouds🙈. To my luck we made it to my place.


At the time i didn't know what was happening😶. Like the only thing i saw was Pony running on fucking air to his smelly ass place💀. When Pony boy opened the door i saw this ratty old dude with dirty ass mickey mouse shirt🐭.

"Hey Pony."😼 he said

"Hey Two- bit, this is the dumb as- i mean the buddy i picked up from school." Pony boy replied👉🏼👈🏼

"Oh hey their whats your name????"🤠 Two bit asked,

"My name is Betty, i moved here from Ohio not to no long ago🤩."

"Omfg another one???- I mean welcome🤷🏻‍♂️?"

   I'm glad i met someone besides Ponyboy. When sitting down in their kitchen, i started to realize why Pony boy ran away😕. The same blue mustang was there at the park👀. I was calmly eating until a big dude rushed into the door😱.

"I SMELL PRIDE😠" he yelled.

He left me and Pony sitting there.🗿I aint gay?

"Oh its just you Pony-boy WAIT WHO IS THAT????😠"


" Pony boy are you sure you don't have any other friends at that school that are...? ( I NEVER FOUND OUT WHY HE WAS HOMOPHOBIC 🤷🏻)

Pony boy replied quickly with a "NO."

" in fact Mr he got no other friends."💀 I backed him up.

"stfu😢Look who's talking."

The guy introduced himself as Pony boys older brother ( Darry🍦). At this point i think Pony-boy was adopted or sum shit.💀 After I told him my name and where i used to live he plainly said😶,

"ofc you did i mean, welcome😕?

We were all standing their in silence until some one knocked on the door....

Why my ass is so big☹️😭🥹(THE OUTSIDERS REFERENCE)🤗🤗🤗🤗Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ