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Y/n awakes up from his bunk room at 7:40 and gets dressed into some civis and heads down to the link room. 

to find the lab tecs cleaning out the avatar pods and enters Grace's office. 

Y/n greets Grace as he enters "Good morning, Grace."

Grace: "Hello Y/n.  How was your expatiation yesterday?"

Y/n: "Uneventful. ran into some banshees. they didn't attack me for some reason." 

Grace: "Interesting, you ready to go out"

Y/n: "I hope so."

Some guy comes in and a guy who looks like Tommy but in a wheelchair then come in and they ask if we are set, the taller guy introduces himself as Norm Spellman as he and Grace leave. first leaving me with the new guy 

Y/n: "Hi I'm Y/n Cooper and your Tommy's brother."

Jake: "Jake Sully, you seem a young to be doing this sort of thing kid especially here."

Y/n: "Yah but here, experience outranks everything, so I outrank you."

Jake chuckles 


Norm is talking with Grace as they walk.

Grace: "So, how much link time have you logged?"

Norm: "About 520 hours."

Grace: "That's good."

Jake POV

Grace points to a pod, bed? for Norm "You're in there," she says to me.

Grace: "How much have you logged?"

Jake: "Zip, but I did read the manual."

Grace turns around "tell me you're joking."'

Jake: "This is cool"

Norm: "Let's go"

Jake hops onto his and pulls his legs up. 

Grace (sighing): "So you just figured you'd come out here, to the most hostile environment known to man, with no training of any kind and see how it went? What was going through your head?

Jake: "Maybe I was sick of doctors telling me what I could and couldn't do.

Max: "Link is ready"

 Grace: "Keep your arms in, hands in, head down"

Grace folds the metal cage over Jake. 

Grace pushed Jake's head down: "Down. Just relax and let your mind go blank. That shouldn't be hard for you." 

Y/n is standing next to grace and chuckles.

Grace: "initiate link"

I opened my eyes to see to doctors in hazmat suits looking down at me. 

Female doctor: "He's in. Jake, can you hear me?"

The male doctor shines a light into my eyes

"Can you hear me, Jake?"

Male doctor: "Pupillary reflex is good."

Female doctor: "Pinna response normal how you feeling, Jake?"

Jake: "Hey, guys."

Male doctor: "Welcome to your new body Jake. Yeah, we're gonna take this nice and easy, 

Female doctor: "Well, if you want to sit up, that's fine."

Male doctor: "Nice and slow, Jake. Good. Okay, well, no truncal ataxia, that's good."

Female doctor: "Are you feeling lightheaded or dizzy at all?"

Jake stands right up and losses his balance and becomes dizzy 

The doctors try to get him back on the gurney Jake's tail begins to move about  

Male doctor: "Sedate! Sedate him!  

the female doctor runs and grabs the dose 

As Jake begins to pull out his iv bags and leaves the containment room 

begins running through the fields feeling his legs again for the first time in a long time

Grace's avatar walks up to Jake 

Grace: "Hey marine." 

Jake "Grace?"

Grace: "Well who'd you expect, numbnuts?"

Grace grabs a fruit and tosses it at Jake. 

Grace: "hey think fast, motor control looking good"

Jake takes a bite of the fruit. 

*Scene change*

It is now sundown as the avatars prepare to go to sleep, I am David Attenborough, and this is the story of Avatar.

Grace: "Come on, everybody, quite down! All right, gang, lights out. come on, Louise, chop-chop. Don't play with that, you'll go blind. come on scat. Lights out! See you at dinner, kiddies.

Jake's avatar sits down in bed and falls asleep as Jake awakes in his human form.

Max: "Welcome back. You alright, you, okay?"

Jake: Yeah, I'm okay.

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