Over and Over

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Cliché / AU: Immortal x Mortal

Plot Summary: An immortal man is desperately in love with a mortal, and is devoted to find them in every life, over and over. However, this time it is taking the longest it ever has. What if he never finds them again?

*This oneshot is lightly inspired by the song 'Immortal' by Reinaeiry :)

❗️TW❗️ None

(His POV)

It's been four hundred years since I last heard your laugh. Never has it taken this long before. Never have you been away from my arms for so long.

I'll find you again. Every time, I'll find you again. You'll have a different body, you'll have a different voice, but it's still you. Sometimes you're a woman, sometimes you're a man, other times you are neither. I still love you the same. (I'll always love you. I'll find you a million times over.)

Everyone knows the unspoken rules in our community. Never care for someone outside of it. However, I was a fool. I couldn't help myself.  I was drawn in by your gaze, your smile, the way you understood me so well. By the time I realized the extent of my feelings, it was far too late. I had already been captivated by your way with words, the beauty that you saw the world with. I was already infatuated with your laugh. By god, your laugh.

Your laugh has always stayed the same, no matter how your voice has changed. It was always so joyous, so twinkling, so real. It makes me feel so warm and comforted, knowing that you're happy and safe. I'm always certain I've found you again when I hear you laugh.

The first time you died in my arms was the toughest. You were an old woman, then, and I had gotten to spend nearly your whole life with you. Everyone knew about immortals, so I didn't get too many looks holding hands with someone who could be over sixty, in a thirty year old body. It got easier over time, when I became more confident of the fact that I would find you again and again. When you died, I knew you would be born somewhere else a year or two later. It was just up to me to find you, and make you fall in love with me anew. Sometimes it took years, other times decades, or even lifetimes in the early days. The modern age of travel made it much easier to get around. I've found you in different places, at different times in your life. You've lived in the U.S, Madrid, India, Thailand, Africa. You've been a professor, seamstress, artist, actor, a famous composer. I've learned to love traveling and learning foreign languages and new things. Anything that will help you come back to me.

One time, I found you in Britain. It must have been around 1730, and I was sitting on a bench in the park reading the paper. A man walked by, probably mid thirties, dark hair with glasses and a smile. He was holding a little girl's hand, and pointing out things he saw along the way. I was drawn to him immediately. Then he turned his head in my direction and locked eyes with me, and I knew. Your eyes widened, then your features scrunched in slight confusion. He looks... familiar? You were probably thinking. I gave you a soft smile. However, it was only when your hand went up to scratch your face when I noticed the ring on your finger.

This has happened before. You've been with other partners in the past of course, because I couldn't enter your life in time. But you always came back to me, in the end. We always had the rest of your life together. That was the first time we didn't.

That one was the second toughest.

I was never whole, without you. I filled my time by traveling and learning anything and everything I could. My favorite subject was you in your past lives when you did something worthy of a history book. When computers were invented and advanced enough, I stalked the databases the governments had on us immortals. I was one of the older ones, a few thousand years old. However, there are a few monks over in Asia whom I have met that are rumored to be over ten thousand. I doubt they knew their true age themselves.

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