Chapter Fourteen

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A/N: Hello, the author is here. The picture is not mine and is credited to the owner HatsukiShouji on Deviantart. Please read this chapter with caution because there will be a scene of abusive relationships, misogynistic males, mention of mentality disorder, profanities violence, gore, biting, and other triggering kinds of stuff that can make you shut down. Also, I would like to thank everyone on Wattpad for the three thousand and five hundred readers. 

'This means the animal speak to us but no one can understand them''This means we are speaking in our mind'{{This means speaking in sign language}}



??? POV

People might be wondering why I need to go to the library at this hour where I should handle the files with rules and create some kind of agreement and relationship with the other kingdom. The answer is simple, I am just doing more research about this 'Gemini Syndrome' curse inside of (Y/N) (L/N) and how can I make good use of it. With her help, I can make a stronger kingdom, and army, and I would be the ultimate ruler.


First-Person POV:

Everything was dark, I could not see anything other than the color black and both of my arms feels too heavy to move around, and neither both of my legs can move too. I don't know what's going on with me and I'm really scared, is everything safe? Did 'that' voice do anything? Are the skeletons that were staying in my place safe and sound? My mind began thinking of thousands of possibilities if I woke up from my deep slumber.

A pair of glowing green emerald eyes shows up in front of me out of nowhere, surprising me a little bit since the color of the green is the same as mine but brighter whereas mine is dimmer than the person in front of me. "Excuse me, Could yourself a little bit more and introduce yourself?" I offer the person in front of me a smile, trying to look less intimidating and more friendly.

A bright light surrounded her slowly, emitting a warm yellow flame around the person and my eyes widened to see the person. She has beautiful green hair with flowers surrounding them even though some of the flowers are a little bit wilted. She also has bright green emerald eyes, the same (S/C) skin tone as me, and the same (H/L) hair length as me. I admit she is beautiful.

"Who...are you?" I ask her, wondering who is this beautiful person.

"My name does not matter but you can call me the caretaker of the earth....." the woman told me.

"Oh, hello there. My name is-" I was cut off by her.

"I am aware of who are you because I am inside of you," she explained but I did not get what she means by that.

"You...are inside of me? Wait, does that mean I am pregnant with you as my child??" Io tilt my head in confusion.

"Pffttt- Hahahaha, silly child. I'm not your kid, darling," she laughs at my confusion, making me even more confused than before.

"Oh....So, you are some kind of like part of me?" I ask again.

The woman shook her head from side to side, telling me no indirectly "Yes but no....Look, I don't have much time. All I can say is, I'm here to protect you and beware of the man with a golden plate smile but a heart of a snake. You had to kill him," she said before everything was shaking, like an earthquake and the glass around me shattered and I was surrounded with darkness once again before another light coming out. 

Gemini Syndrome ( Au Sans x Female! Split-Personality! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now