Chapter 6: I Saw It in a Movie Once

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He chuckled, the sound rumbling into her bones, warming them. "Ruhn talked to Declan. He's going to hack into the security cameras at the palace–turn away the cameras while we're there."

-House of Sky and Breath, pg. 734

When Lidia had dreamed of visiting Lunathion as a child, she never imagined this. The way people shifted their gaze and crossed the street to walk on the opposite sidewalk. Still others gasped and whispered, their stares burning her with their fearful attention. And then there were those whose eyes nearly popped from their skulls when they realized just who - or what - was prowling the street alongside them. She wasn't large or imposing in stature, but that didn't matter, not with the torque around her neck glinting in the afternoon sun like a fucking beacon, a billboard advertising her gruesome talents. But she didn't allow her fearsome reputation to bow her shoulders as she walked casually through the streets of the Crescent City. Chin high, back straight, and an arrogant upward quirk of her lips. And as the citizenry gave her a wide berth, she puffed out her chest a little more and the corner of her mouth lifted higher, feeding off the hunched shoulders, timid sideways glances, and fearful whispers.

The Hind had returned to Lunathion.

She could imagine the gossip sweeping over the gleaming sidewalks and swirling around the seven great gates, the questions. Whispered inquiries about what had brought her back into the gleaming, peaceful city. The current of fear and intimidation followed in the wake of her footsteps as the news of her presence scampered ahead of her, swift as a stag. All the while, the murmuring rebellion vibrated below the outskirts of the city. Her grin faltered at the thought of Ophion.

If only they knew.

How many of the people she passed on the street were allies? How many knew of Agent Daybright, the operative they thought may be an Asteri herself, with not a clue that she was striding down the street in the instantly recognizable black uniform and starred insignia. The symbol of the enemy. That she had ended countless lives - lives that she was supposed to be defending - simply to continue being the agent that the resistance required.

Her steps were sure and swift, and as much as the Hind would love to preen in the wake of her reputation, Lidia Cervos thanked the gods for the quickness she had inherited from her father. And in mere minutes she stood before the door of the veritable frat house that was home to Declan Emmett, Tristan Flynn, and, recently, Ithan Holstrom.

And Ruhn.

She was nervous, which was laughable. But her stomach flipped as she lifted a fist to knock at the door. Everything about this had to go right; her aim being to earn their trust as opposed to forcing information from their lips with a knife. And if these males chose to throw their lot in with hers, it would add three more names to the list of people she was trying so desperately to protect.

Ruhn Danaan

Hypaxia Enador

Hunt Athalar and Bryce Quinlan

Declan Emmett, Tristan Flynn, and Ithan Holstrom

Which name would be the tipping point? How far up the list was she willing to sacrifice to save her mate and her sister?

The rap of her knuckles on the painted wood seemed to echo around her, and with a deep breath she stepped back, eyeing the camera staring down at her from one of the eaves.

"I know you can see me, and I know that you're in there, so you might as well open the door." It was the cool, calm voice of the Hind that crooned to the lens, and she cursed herself for it. A veiled threat was likely not the best way to begin.

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