Chapter 22: I'll Take Care of You

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He dipped his head, kissing her neck, breathing in the subtle scent of her. His cock instantly hardened. Fuck yes. This scent, this female–

A sense of rightness settled into his bones like a stone dropped in a pond. Her hand began stroking up his spine again. His balls tightened with each trailing caress.

Then her mouth was on his pec, flaming lips grazing over the swirling tattoo there. The pierced nipple on his left pec.

-House of Sky and Breath, pg. 724

There were more people than Ruhn anticipated gathered around the large, round table in what he had taken to calling the war room. It was really more like the command center for Ydra, where the rebel leaders gathered and doled out responsibilities. But given that this gathering was one of strategy and impending danger, war room seemed appropriate.

Lidia stood at his right shoulder, her focus centered on where the squadron commander was explaining the upcoming mission. The primary objective of the raid of the newly arrived supply vessel was to secure the shipment of weapons that was on the manifest - likely meant to arm triarii members and Vanir soldiers. If the squadron failed to retrieve the weapons for Ophion, the goal was to destroy them. Better nobody be armed than allow the artillery to fall into the hands of the enemy.

"Flynn and Emmett will be our eyes, surveying our path through Lunathion's many camera feeds. They will be able to help us adjust our entry and escape routes in real time. But we need a rear guard to cover the team."

"I'll do it," the shifter at his side volunteered. It shouldn't have surprised him, really. But Ruhn still bristled at the thought of her embarking on her first field mission in such a perilous position. The rear guard - clean-up - was intensely dangerous, the expectation being that you defend your team at all costs. No matter what.

The wave of protests started immediately.

"Absolutely not. She's too recognizable."

"We can't trust her!"

"She's just as likely to shoot everyone in the back!"

The Valbaran prince scowled, ire simmering in his veins as a low warning growl rumbled from his chest as he bristled from their disrespect. He and Lidia had been there over a month, and there hadn't been a single incident where the shifter had caused even the slightest bit of commotion. That didn't mean that her peers hadn't attempted to incite something on multiple occasions. But the golden-haired beauty had never taken the bait. She had refused to lift even a finger or utter an unsavory word in her own defense.

Ruhn could feel her body stiffen, her shoulders tensing. But she was not preparing to cower or hide.

"I have been inhabiting this base for over a month. In that time I have not given anyone cause to doubt my intentions, nor have I created any drama, or incited any violence." Her voice was strong and clear, and even though Ruhn didn't want her to go out into the night and risk her life for people who likely didn't deserve her potential sacrifice, he couldn't help the warm glow of pride that filled his chest as she stood up for herself. "But all I have been able to offer up to this point are words, and we all know that those can only go so far. How am I ever supposed to prove myself to you, to Ophion, if I am not given the opportunity to do so?" The fae prince watched as Lidia's gaze passed from one person to the next, all around the table.

"I understand the concern about my identity, so I will cover my face and hair." She shrugged. "I'm volunteering for what is arguably the most dangerous role I could take. For all we know, this could be my final mission. Please. Let me prove myself to you." The answering murmurs were quieter than before. And when there were no more boisterous protests, the squadron leader dipped his chin in grim acceptance.

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