Chapter 21: Lids

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"Next time, I'll bring us some psychic beers and a TV. We'll get you normal again."

She laughed, the sound like clear bells. Something male and primal in him sat up at the sound. "I've only ever had wine."

He shook his head in mock horror. "Come visit me in Lunathion sometime, Day. I'll show you a good time."

House of Sky and Breath, pg. 385

She focused on the bead of sweat she could feel trickling down her forehead, to the bridge of her nose, down and down, until Lidia could feel it clinging desperately to the tip. She kept her breathing steady, determined to keep her body still enough that the little droplet would hold on as long as possible. It took her mind away from the burn of her abs as she continued to hold the plank. She was going on three minutes, now, and the shifter was hoping that five would be an achievable goal.

It had been a few weeks since they'd arrived at Ydra - Hel, maybe even a month. She had recovered from the resulting injuries from her welcome interrogation quickly enough, but had only recently returned to a consistent training schedule. With Ruhn watching her like a hawk, she was finally eating enough again. And her nightmares had lessened enough that her body was finally getting the rest it so desperately needed.

When the night terrors did come - when the Hammer's sneering visage was all she could see and the cold caress of his calloused, cruel hands all she could feel - and she woke screaming during the night, Ruhn was always there. His warm touch upon her cheeks, thumbs brushing away her tears, fingers pushing sweat-soaked strands of her hair away from her face. He would shush her with that comforting connection, skin against skin, and whisper to her that she was okay, and that Pollux couldn't hurt her anymore. And then he would wrap her in his strong, tattooed and scarred arms and hold her until sleep would claim her again.

The handsome male had never asked for more than that, and Lidia was grateful. Though the two of them were mates, and they had been intimate at one time, she wasn't sure if she was ready to give herself like that again. They were rebuilding something that had been broken, and though she had little idea about what "doing it right" entailed, the shifter was intent upon guarding her body and her heart.

But, Gods, when Ruhn mentioned that she may as well just start the night with him in his bed, she wanted to say yes. That desire terrified her as much as it set her aflame. Wouldn't it be a comfort to find rest in an embrace that promised safety and peace?

Now, though, she could funnel those warring emotions into something productive. And since most everyone in the Ydra stronghold chose to give her a wide berth, she'd carved out this little corner of the training room as her new sanctuary. A punching bag and a yoga mat were her near-daily companions. The shifter had thought about commandeering a set of free weights, but chose not to - no use taking from others who would dare not touch them once she had.

Lidia could tell when he entered the room. Not from his scent or from anything her senses could detect. It was just... a feeling. A heated focus that seemed to caress every inch of her, even when she couldn't see him. Even so, she still yelped in surprise when something slapped against her ass hard enough that her core would no longer continue to hold her up, her knees thudding softly on the floor.

"Cthona save me, Ruhn!" she scoffed, looking at her watch. The timer was still cycling through the seconds, her five-minute plank goal ruined. Scowling she looked at the fae male as he knelt next to her, her eyes narrowing as they drank in his smug smirk and starlit eyes that twinkled with amusement. With a huff she cursed the Gods, because how was she supposed to be angry when he was looking at her like that? She sat herself up and crossed her legs in front of her. "What was that for?"

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