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Rianne woke up a little bit late this morning for her last class of the year ,she's left only a year to leave that place called school , that she by the way considers torture and go to the university. Her school years after she came to America in grade one have been a little bit strange to her since she left her home country and a great part of her family to come and live here with her elder sister,her mom and her mom's newly found husband. She wasn't even at their wedding and she was very glad for her mom to have kept her away from that torment , she got prepared not even stressing herself to hurry given that for her it didn't really matter to come early or not and she was already used to be the one always coming late she didn't want to ruin her built reputation of late comer : she combed her long bushy and frizzy hair and held it in a pony tail, she was too tired to straiten them and she felt too lazy to makeup so wearing a black assemble short just at level of her thighs and a large T-shirt and a black pair of jordans ,she hanged her too small bag that couldn't even take a book and went to school in her car. Her mom who already went to work and left her some breakfast that she kept in the fridge planning to eat it later after school cause she knows she will be hungery and seeing her today's mood she was't going to cook anything ,she drove her small Toyota carina to school listening to music through the radio ,she arrived in school and knew she was late but still worked like she was parading for the Dior summer collection of dresses and she still didn't care cause that was her,that's who she is. She entered the classe late as usual , her class master was already giving his last speech of the year,she smiled at Mr whitefield,their class master who was already used to this;

Mr Whitefield :Miss Cams to what do we owe your delay this time?
That's how all the teachers who knew her in school for her legendary lateness called her.

Rianne: Ohh you know Mr Whitefield I didn't want to ruin my reputation on a day like this one.

Mr Whitefield : At least you honored us with your presence to day.

Rianne : The pleasure is mine Mr Whitefield, I wouldn't have missed the opportunity to see you for the last time in a school year.

And still smilling she directed her self to her still empty desk at the front and she waved hand to her group at the other end of the hall. If she came earlier she would be seating with them cause they always did so at every last class. Mr Whitefield finished his speech and told them their report cards will be sent to their respective homes through the post ,wished them good holidays. and finally left the class. She then moved to her group of freind and met them sharing the latest news about her for ever crush Jaydon Kingston , may be not the hottest guy in the school but the first guy she fell for, and that didn't give a fuck about her for some stupid reason that you'll know later;

Leilla: Hey Rianne did you hear the latest news about Jaydon?

Rianne : No,what's it again that he did?

Sidney: I heard he is now dating that new girl,Roger's ex.

Rianne : It's like they are just sharing girls within them selves in that group of theirs.

Syndi : I can't get how she gets from one guy to the other in the same group of freinds.

Rianne : what are you complaining of ?! She likes being used.

In front of the girls she was playing the strong one but she was lamenting internally. How can he do that,she's been waiting for him for more than a year but no, he prefers sharing the new girl with his freinds than having her for him alone. Whatever he doesn't deserve what she feels for him and she Will soon realise that.

Liella: Whatever, girls I was thinking we could hang out after this, maybe go to Mcdo or some thing.

Jas: No probleme, I even feel hungery.

All the girls : You always hungery Jas.

Jas : Yes and I will stop filling hungery when it will become a sin

Rianne: I don't think even je eating and being hungery was a sin you will ever stop eating. You will be the greatest siner in the world just for that.

Jas: ooooorrrrrrr you know me so well, it's so cute.

And they all burst of laughter .

They dicussed a little more in class and went to McDonald's, the day was nice,it's always nice to spend time with the girls. Rianne went back home and met Avalone manipulating her phone. Rianne sat with her in the living room as they discussed a little, more like insulting each other ,then Rianne went to her room and was reading novels on wattpad when mom came back from work and she scrambled down the stairs to see her ,she huged mom tight , it's been 3 days she haven't seen her cause she goes out early and comes back late. Mom's husban is on business trip for a week and so they're left only girls at home . They programmed to watch a film and have a girls momet just the three of us but mom had to take her shower first, she smells food from afar since she holds a restaurant. She came down the stairs after her shawer, already wearing her pyjamas, she sat on the sofa and Rianne sat next to her leaning in to her arms like a big baby that she is, while Avalone lied on the carpet with a pilow and a bowl of chips, as the film Picht perfect season one was getting started,and knowing Avalon's love for this film seems they were going to watch all the seasons to night.

* Rianne *

I don't know when I slept off, I don't when we slept off, I and my mom but all I know is that I woke up by the crazy sounds of laughs of my sister who I'm sure didn't close an eye of the night,then I searched for my phone and red the time it was just 6 in the morning, then not so much to my surprise Avalone started singing along Becca the song "When am gone" and I just felt like sewing her mouth so she could shut up and let me sleep. I stood up ,covered my mom with the blanket on the sofa and went up to my room to continue my sleep cause today is sunday and I need to rest, we need to rest, every body apart from Avalone as for what I can see. I entered my room, went to the toilet to eas my self and then just trew my body on my bed for some more sleep hours very needed.

Authour's note: Hey guys,it's my first time writting, I've been reading for some time now stories from different horizons, from different sites,from different apps and I just felt like writting some thing too,just hope you'll like it .

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