Gifts for the girls

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Rianne went back before the end of the party, she felt too tired to stay. Adam also left not long after she left, feeling bored at this party without her. He reached and hastened to take his bath cause he had some thing to do.

Rianne was lying on her bed thinking about today's events and her encounter with Adam and at that particular moment her phone rang, unknown number.

"Hello " Her voice rang all over the place.
"Hey" a deep male voice was heard on the other side, she taught for a moment then smiled and pretended not know who it was.

"Who is it ?" She asked with a grin. He new she was kiding, he heard it in her tone.

Adam: A certain prince.

Rianne: Didn't know you'll be this eager to hear my voice so soon.

Adam: Just felt bored and remembered I got a beauty's number in my.

Rianne : Do you know you can be sued dor child abuse.

Adam: How that?
The frown on his face could almost be heard.

Rianne : You know, am not 18 yet.

Adam: And when is that? Who knows you may have a royal anniversary offered by a prince.

Rianne: Octorber and don't worry am not against a Royal anniversary for my 18the birthday.

Adam: It's understood your highness .

Rianne : I love that, authority ,it feels so nice.

Adam : Yeah I saw it in your eyes earlier today. And you seem to be very ambitious too.

Rianne : yeah I am and a big dreamer too, just hope they wikk come true one day.

Adam : And what are your dreams, if I may know?

And this is how they passed the whole of that night not closing an eye until dawn, discussing about their greatest dreams, fears, ambitions.

Having fallen asleep in the early morning , Rianne slept for much longer and woke up only at past noon . The day was just beginning for her, she had to video tape some drawing tutorials, some sewing tricks, and take some pics of her self in THE moment's attire to post on social media and kind of make sign of life.

She was then in the living room, watching a film on the TV and eating some chips, she was sure doing modeling but she wasn't in these diet things, she liked food too much for that. Her phone went off and it was a notification from Instagram saying that a certain Prince aked to follow her, she accepted and did same as him. He then texted: " Hey your highness, doing anything? "

She replied "No, seating all bored at home😪" then he called.

Adam: Hellow you.

Rianne : Hey so what's up?

Adam: I will need you to help me do something.

Rianne: And what's that?

Adam: I promise my little sister I'll have something for her once am back home. And I kinda know that my mom will play the jealous one if doesn't have any gift. So can you please help me chose some gifts for the girls?

Rianne : Sure I don't have anything doing, where should we meet?

Adam : No need I can pass and pick you. Are you okay for know ?

Rianne : Yeah.

Adam: OK see you soon.

10 minutes later the door bell rang and Rianne precipitated het self down the staires holding a black cocochannel hsnd bag

She opens the door and he bows down to her.

Adam : Goodmorning your highness. She chuckled.

Rianne : Good morning to you Adam. They went to his car, he opened the door for her and directed him self to the driver's seat. He started the car and they went into the drive way.

Rianne : So what do you want to offer them?

Adam: Honestly I don't know, that's why you're here.

Rianne : You know all women are not the same right?

Adam : Yeah but you're all of this strange gender. She hit him on the hand.

Rianne : You stupid.

Adam : That was painful.

Rianne : That was actually the objective. Don't know if you've ever seen any body been beaten to feel good. Apart for masochists, maybe you are one who knows.

Adam : We can try and see who is masochist and who's not. He said with a wide grin.

Rianne : You're sick . What ever, show me a pic of your sister and your mom.

Adam: On my phone. He used a picture of the 2 as wallpaper. The older one looked like him with long brown hair and those brown doe eyes. The younger woman looked very different, she had blonde hair and clear blue eyes.

Rianne : They're very pretty. With a smirk he responded" It runs in our blood ".

Reaching the mall she directed her self to a jewelry store and chosed a very pretty necklace, something that all mother's will always like. And for the younger one who seemed to like fashion, she took a paire of louboutin pumps, not sure the girl will like high hills .

Rianne : You'll have to pay me for this.

Adam: Okay, and how do I pay?

Rianne : Lunch, am freaking hungry.

Adam : Ok I know a very nice restaurant around here.

They then went to a restaurant still at the mall. They sat and passed their orders. Rianne ordered for 3 different meals and he wandered if she will finish it.

They were served their orders and in ten minutes Rianne was finishing her second meal. Adam was surprised of how she doesn't care about her weight but still stays this slim.

Adam: You eat pretty much for a model, it's kind of... surprising.

Rianne : Yeah I know, I can't restrict my self from eating, so Frank my step dad always pushes me to do some sports cause he says that my body is my future. He's the one who got me the modeling job.

They discussed as they ate. Then some minutes later living the mall she was laughing with Adam about how she likes giving her friends nicknames and she was proposing some for him. But his reaction to each nickname she chosed was so funny she couldn't hold her self from laughing out loud when she bombed in to someone, she knew that odour, she knows it too well but before she could see his face she was held in a tight hug, knowing who it was and how she had missed him she just responded. He even lifted her off the ground.

Sam : Missed you so much best. I have so many things to tell you.

Rianne : Missed you too best. And I'll always be here to listen.

Adam was left behind Rianne, mouth agape at the situation. " Is he her boyfriend? " he thought. He then cleared his throat, hoping it will bring them apart. They all two turned to look at him. He looked at Rianne with a questionable gaze. Rianne saw something flash in his eyes but she wasn't sure it was... jealousy!

" Is he jealous? "she thought and smiled at that.

Rianne : Sorry Adam, I completely forgot about you. So "Ady" she said emphasising on the nickname she had chosen for him.
"This is Sam my best friend. "
She said laying emphasis on the freind.
"And Sam this is Adam, or Maxim as you want" .

And they shook hands. Sam gave her a confused look and she mouthed"we'll talk about it later"

Sam: I know this face, are you a model or something? Maybe I've already seen you in a magazine.

Adam chukled and responded" No am not".

Sam : It was nice to meet you Maxim.

Adam: Nice to meet you too Sam.

And on that they took separate ways and "Ady" drove Rianne back home.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2023 ⏰

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