Bigest dream

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The holidays were well started for Rianne for a week now since her step father wasn't back yet from his trip, but she felt moody today cause he was coming back . She didn't realy have anything against him , she just didn't like him for no specific reason.

Though today was not very bright her week have been very agitated with outings and helping her mom at the restaurant and she was even planning more of them in the week to come with Her freinds. It was 8:30 am and she new Frank will soon be back home and they will have to eat togather like a family,
they have done it a handfull of times but only God knows how much she hates it.

She got ready and went down the stairs to the dining room,the table was already set and Avalone was helping her mom bring the food from the kitchen to the dining so she just sat on her usual place at the dining. Frank was very strict with the way to present and use the diches  so she new her mom will get every thing prepared early enough to not get him angry, she even had to take classes on how to use the diches and how to hold her self in public 6 years back when she arrived in America just beacause Frank didn't like the way she ate, sat ,walked and talked and now she was so much used to it that it  kinda became part of her, she sat at the dining table straight as a ruler waiting for her "dad" to pass the door;

* Rianne*

Mom: Morning little one,glad to see you awake ( with a hint of sarcasm in her tone)

Me: Ohh good morning mom, I was just some where else and am a bit not in my mood this morning so just forgive my impolitness for today.

Mom: uhmm...I think alk this is beacause you're hungry, dont worry I cooked enough for a family of beasts.

Me: (smilling) Very funny mom, I know I eat much but am not a beast . The only beast in this family is your husband.

He opens the door at that particule moment and enters as if he was waiting behind  the door for me to say that.

Talk about the beast and he will come up to you, he went directly to mom and kissed her on the forehead, greeted Avalone and Turner to me.

Frank: The beast sends his greathings my queen .

Me: And the queen the I am honors you with Her reponse.

He chukled and got  him self up stairs to his room to keep his bag and get changed . My mom stayed at the dining with a smile that could reach behind her head. It's true that he realy  annoys me but one of the rare things I like about this family thing is seeing my mom happy. Just seeing her smile has changed my mood from dark to brigth and I was now smiling too while Avalone was just looking at us like she saw unicorn . Frank came down on time cause I was already starving, we discused as we ate he was narrating what hapend during his trip, story I wasn't interested in so I wasn't even listening untill he called my name and I almost jumped from my chair.

Frank: Amelie your doughter is a lost case.
He said talking to mom and she chukled.

Mom: Nothing new,she's always been a lost case. She said looking at me smiling, that made me smile to.

Frank : Rianne I was actually saying I got you a holiday job.

I frowned and he understood.

Frank : Dont worry it's nothing strange, instead it's some thing you will like.

He posed and I didn't respond so he continued.

Frank : You'll be a model of Coco chanel entreprises for tree months.

I don't know what happened nor even when I jumped out of my chair but I just remembered  I almost strangled Frank by huging him by the nec.

Frank : ( with a chocked voice) At least let me breath .coughs

I was so happy, for me it was an opening to the my bigest dream ; becoming a fashion designer. I told my self that if I wanted to enter the fashion industry I would need to have a mentor, and who knows I could find one this  holidays .It's true that Avalone was a dress consultant still in the fashion industry known by a hand full of people and she got fans on social medias but I need some one not only in my feild but in my dreamt job too. I was realy greatful to Frank and the last time I felt like this towords him was becaus of my car when he offered it to me last year on my birth day but I still hate him, some people just have haters for no good reason ,and honestly he won't be anything great without me hating him cause that's us:

Me: oooohhhh thank you Frank (almost screaming )

Frank : My pleasure little one.

Me : So when am I starthing?

Frank : I will have to go introdce you to the manager,they will do some tests on your capacities and if the results are positive - what I'm sure of - he will then introduce you to the rest of the team, but we're gonna do that tomorrow, I feel tired to day.

Me: No problem, you can rest,I had already planned my day anyways . So what time are we going tomorrow ?

Frank : In the morning before I go to work .

Me: okay. I'll have to go get prepared I have an outing with the boys at the mal in some minutes.

Mom: The boys only?

Me : Yeah , I passed the whole of last week with the girls and Sam kind of feels jealous.

With this I went up the stairs to my room to prepare my self, I straighted my hair and styled it with curls just because I was in a good mood, with no makeup just gloss on my lips, I took my bag and the left house wairing a paire of shorts in wax, a crop top and a pair of slippers I took my car and left for the mal.

I arrived the mal and texted Sam to know where they were ;

Sam ' At the restaurant ***'

I directed my self to the said restaurant and met the guys Sam and Daniel, Oliver couldn't be present he talked of an issue with his mom or something

This were her real friends, the first ones she had  when she arrived in their school, they have been separated classes at the beginig of the school year and that's when she became freinds with the girls , and now she couldn't imagine her live without any of them.

Daniel : And this is the talest girl I've ever seen . He said smirking.

Rianne : And also the most beatiful one you've ever seen.

They  all burst out laughing, she huged Sam tight and did same with Daniel , it's been long they've not been togather.
They went on choosing a table to sit at and commanding something to eat, and so the day went on as they spent time togather

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