Chapter IV

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After some time, Yoric felt uneasy. The stench had grown far more potent in the sun, roasting the dead flesh while the crows feasted on their bloated corpses. It had been only one day since his father's passing, and even then, he didn't venture out of his small hiding place.

"Why...why didn't you let me help..." He said quietly, tears slowly dripping down his cheeks. He stayed there, mourning. Sunken. Defeated.

The rather large piece of bread was gone now, only his hunger filled the bag he had carried, still draped over his crooked body. Yoric decided to stretch outside of the hole for a while, he even made a makeshift bed. Time passed slowly during the hot days, and Yoric still waited. He didn't know why he waited, why he didn't do what his father said and run. Maybe it was to remember his father, or maybe he was still stuck in that moment. He never ventured outside of the shop, he didn't have to or want to. What if he's there, on the ground, trampled and slashed, dead. Yoric felt the hole in his heart and knew the sight of his father would tear it in two.

There was little he could do to pass the time besides replaying the same events over and over "Don't look back Yoric, keep running!" The one thing he held, and didn't put away since that day, was his father's ring, as its metallic smell was the only thing that helped mask the putrid death lurking around. But all the time that Yoric spent inside his small space he never once glanced at the ring, just fondling it. Moving it between his grimed fingers Yoric still couldn't sleep because the very instant his eyes closed, the screams would repeat in his mind. The deaths of so many, and the survival of what seemed like none.

But he knew better. he knew what his father had said was true, that he should run from danger.

Should I run from here...? Should I run and never look back, never look at-- at them?

He was scared, as any sane person would be. He didn't want to look into the pale eyes of those he knew, of those he had yet to meet. He couldn't, wouldn't.

His heart began to pound at the thought of the bodies, for his body, his mind, and his soul had been released from shock. He now knew what truly had happened. There was a sudden crash that sent Yoric back under the floorboards.

Yoric didn't know if the fires sent buildings crashing down or there were still the same monsters lingering. Nonetheless he spent another day inside, sleep deprived and in shock.

He could only stand so much though. His eyelids drifted down into a light sleep. Yet, the screams, the death, his father, all flashed by in the subtle darkness. "I need to get out. I need to breathe! I need air! Air!" Yoric screamed, kicking at the floorboards in agony as his breathing increased, and tears ran down his face. " I need to! I need to!" He went on, pushing and shoving around him until he had finally hit the one that was loose, launching it away from his body.

Yoric gasped for what little breath he had, heaving, and sighing until he burst into tears once more, mourning the losses, mourning his father, and crying out in true despair as his worst fears took hold.

Will they find me? Will they come back? Will anyone come back? Am... I alone? Did anyone survive? Did Elara survive? Did the baker survive? Will I survive!?!

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