Chapter X

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Yoric's body ached all over. His eyes remained shut, unaware of his surroundings. He could hear some shuffling by the bed. Bed? Did we make it to the castle? His eyes painfully peeled open and was hit with the harsh rays of the sun. Putting his hand over his brow to shield them away, he noticed that he had several servants waiting on him. His heart went into a slight panic as he started to glance around him. Where is it? A glimmer had caught his eye. The silver ring his father had entrusted him with was sitting on the desk beside the bed, polished and on a silver chain. Sighing with relief, Yoric put it around his neck and turned to the man staring at him intently, waiting to be directed.

"How may we assist you?" one said, a male servant with his hands behind him. "We have brought a meal as well. One must eat before meeting the King."

Confused, Yoric didn't know how to respond. He had just found out where he was. "What...what happened?"

"Sister Ryia came during the night to come assist you and tend to your wound, sir. You were passed out when the prince rode in. You've been asleep for three days."

Three days? He thought to himself. How has it been three days? Yoric put a hand tenderly on the bandages, wincing a little. It was painful, but bearable. "I...I must see the King..."

"Sir, you must eat and dress first."

But young Yoric just waved them off. "No. I need to." He tried removing himself from his large bed with some struggle. His lower body still ached, and he stumbled to the floor with a groan. The servants ran over to assist, helping to bring his back onto the bed. Yoric thanked them, managing to stay somewhat upright rather than fully reclined. There was a spread of food on the table in the center of the room, laid out with things he had never seen or smelled before. Yoric felt his stomach grumble, which made him wince again. "Perhaps a plate of food first..."

The servants walked over to the food, grabbing some meat, bread, and fruit onto a plate, and putting it beside him. One had pulled a leather tunic from the wardrobe and placed it on the bed as well. It was simple, and yet made with astounding quality. The servants refused to move from their position until Yoric had cleaned his plate. It felt a little awkward to eat in front of others in this manner. "Please, help yourself. I know I would never eat all of that."

The servants smiled and nodded but began clearing the food off rather than helping themselves. Once the food was gone, they helped Yoric up steadily, and dressed him without putting too much pressure on the wound. They grabbed a cane with extravagant carvings and gave it to the boy, hoping I would help steady him until he had the strength to move on his own.

Yoric walked over the long mirror, looking at his tunic. His hair was combed and his face free of any dirt. His eyes were sunken but that was to be expected. The tunic was rather fitting and shown his broad chest more than any of his clothes from home. He knew that this would be presentable enough in front of the King or thought at least. He had never been in a royal court, nor ever met nobility.

Except for Elara.

Yoric still thought about her, about how they ran through the town in joy before the attack. He had a thought to ask about the Delacourts but decided to remain silent for the time being.

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