Chapter XX

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Trees froze in place from the wind, posed in a long stretch of mangled branches and pines. There were tracks of the few stray deer that galloped and grazed, but nothing that would have ventured too close. What few men Harek had remaining trailed behind. He counted 20, including himself and Ymir. The group made their way deeper into the northern forest, near the brink of the outer rift. Snow began to blanket the trees the closer they went, but they knew this would only make it more difficult to cover their trail.

"How much further?" Ymir coughed out, his breath showing in the icy weather.

"Not much longer, I heard news of a mine up north.

We go under the cover as Valgrad's army." "Will that work?"

"We must pray that it does." They continued for another mile, trudging through the thickening powder that began to hide away Harek and his men. Several rabbits scurried from the brush, disguised from their predators as they leaped freely. The men's footsteps became heavier, and deeper as they ventured through. Some even began to complain.

"Let's rest here." The troop slowed, and some sat to tend to their wounds. Harek sat on a stray log and lifted his leather shirt to reveal a stab wound. He winced as he held a cloth to it. Ymir squatted by a fresh fire, warming his hands, and coughing aggressively. Harek winced once more as he stood, taking his dagger into the fire to cauterize the wound.

"Rest up, Ymir, and take care of that cough." Ymir nodded, drinking from a flask of water, and lying by the fire. The snow still fell as the night drew on, bringing about a quiet night. As the sun rose, the snow began to melt. Harek sat up, feeling his wound healing and his strength returning.

Some of his men had gone hunting before dawn, and the meat was roasting on a makeshift spit. Ymir, however, looked worse than he had before. His face was drenched in sweat, and his eyes sunk. His skin was a clammy green, and his breathing labored.

"Ymir!" Harek called out, reaching to check on the boy. "We must get moving soon, he needs a bed and medicine. Pack what we have. Leave no trace. We do not stop until we reach the mines." Harek lifted Ymir over his shoulder and carried him as the group make their leave of the camp. They sped up their pace, but Ymir's condition seemed to worsen. It was several hours later when suddenly Harek felt uneasy. "Hold," he said, scanning the brush. A few shadows darted between bushes and trees. "Show yourselves!"

Suddenly, three dominion soldiers walked into view, two had bows strung and ready to fire. "Who are you?"

"What business is it of yours?" Harek spat.

"This is Razorback Territory, you are trespassers." "This land belongs to the new king. We are no strangers."

The soldiers look at one another in confusion, "New king?"

Harek glanced at the feverish Ymir and sighed.

"We're Valgrad's Emissaries, his messengers. One of use has fallen ill, may we take refuge at your camp?"

"The Manor is not too far down this trail; we will send word and tend to the boy here." The soldiers looked at one another with a smirk. This caused for Harek to feel uneasy, so he clung to his dagger in his belt. The soldiers went to tend to Ymir and poured water into his mouth. "We must hurry if we wish to save him."

Harek nodded and motioned his men to assist. They recollected and began their short walk towards the mines. They could hear echoes in the distance of metal and stone, some shouting, and some cracks of a whip. Harek knew there was something wrong, the convenience was wrong, it felt wrong. The shouts got louder and louder as they approached the gates. Suddenly, they were surrounded by dominion soldiers, arrows drawn and pointed.

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