Chapter V

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Yoric explained his entire story at once as if in a panic, from his time with his father, meeting Elara, and the events that unfolded after. To Yoric's surprise, however, Derek seemed to be nearly in shock.

Derek placed his hand tenderly on Yoric's shoulder, hoping to earn his respect and attention. "You went through so much tragedy in but a few days. You have a strong heart, Yoric. Something few men have, and so many dreams of having."

Yoric nodded, dirt still covering most of his body and face, the dagger in his lowered hand. "Am I... the only one left...?" Yoric choked out, his heart racing slightly at the thought of his father and Elara.

Derek knew better, and smiled calmly, reassuring Yoric as a flood of warmth evaded the despair he felt. "We're still looking, but you need not worry of Lady Elara, she is in good hands." Derek knew what Yoric meant when the answer was asked and did his best not to show any sign of doubt. For there were reports, but no definite sightings of the nobles. Only time would tell of their whereabouts.

Yoric nodded, blushing slightly under all the muck his face had gathered. Derek could hardly notice the redness on his cheeks unless he smeared the soot away.

"Derek! Was it a survivor?" Called out one of them men, not daring to enter the shop.

"Aye! Bring fresh water and food!" He called back, standing back up and walking towards the entrance.

But Yoric remained in his corner.

"Yoric, I know you're afraid. I am too. Just take a deep breath and look towards heaven. He will guide you past the bodies. I promise." He had to be careful, anything could trigger Yoric's deranged state again.

Yoric only stared, uneasy at the thought of anything other than his father pointing the way. He took a deep gulp before answering. "Okay. I trust you." With that, he left his small, dim corner while the glass crunched under his feet.

The sunlight was almost too much for Yoric, shielding his eyes away. It's light and penetrating heat made it nearly unbearable for several moments until his eyes adjusted. His vision went from white to red as he looked down at the bodies, the blood trails, and the decay penetrating the very essence of the earth.

Yoric didn't say a word. He just looked, stared for a moment while Derek tried to pull him out of his trance, shouting his name.

Always remember. His Father's voice echoed in his mind.

"I will".

"Yoric!" Derek kept calling before his foot ran into a corpse, now covered with a bloody sheet.

Shaking his head and looking up at Derek, Yoric had fire in his eyes but looked calm, content in fact. Derek knew his heart was for war. "I'm okay." said Yoric, looking back towards the gates, never forgetting the images that had left open wounds in his heart, scarring it, letting him remember what had been done.

Upon reaching the camp, several other peasants and commoners were seen, all shivering from the massacre.

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