4) Friend or Foe

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"Can I walk you home?"

America stopped Russia before he could step out of the police station. Russia bites his lip and grips the straps of his satchel once he hears America's offering.

"Ame, you don't have to—"

"It's fine, I insist. I won't pull any stunts on you, I promise." America offers his hand and smiles in Russia's direction.

Russia stares down at America's empty hands, then looks back up to glare at him.

He slapped America's hand out of his way before walking past him. For a moment, America sighs, looking down out of disappointment as Russia was walking down the street. That is, until he notices Russia stopped right a few steps ahead, looking back at him.

"Hey, Washington. You coming or what?"

America's face lights up as he rushes towards Russia with a beaming smile, "Right behind you!"

The street is desolate and eerily quiet. Not many cars pass by and there isn't anyone else except for the two countries walking past the neighborhood at night.

"Is it usual for your neighborhood to be this quiet?"

"Not really," He shrugged, "But I mean, can you blame them? it is midnight after all because apparently someone had us drive back late."

"Oh shut up," America rolls his eyes, "I know you liked it when I took you up the hill."

Russia says nothing, only smiling to himself. He wouldn't want to deny nor admit it, because, in all honesty, America was right. He did like it. But he still refused to say a word than to admit America was right.

"You know, I was thinking a lot recently." Russia casually changes the topic.

"About what?"

"The case." He clicks open the little latch on his satchel to find the documents he had slipped into his bag earlier, "Mr. Fjord's case."

"The case's closed, don't worry about it too much." America pats Russia on the back, "Anything the chief says goes."

"Well, murder or suicide, he shouldn't have died so young."

Russia angrily kicks a pebble across the pavement, because a part of him knows that he could've done more. A part of him still wishes he had convinced the chief to reconsider and look into it further.

As they pass a dark and unsettling alleyway, Russia gets the sudden urge to walk faster. America trails a few steps behind him, the quiet sound of his footsteps reassuring Russia that he isn't by himself. His knees start to feel weak from the nervous feeling that's swirling in the pit of his stomach.

There's a feeling in the air that the two aren't alone, like someone is watching them. Russia tries to ignore it the best he can.

"Ame?" Russia muttered as he kept on speed walking, "I hope this doesn't come off weird, but do you want to stay the night at my place? I don't think it's safe walking back home alone."

No response.

Russia stopped in his tracks and whipped around, realizing America wasn't there.


The deep pit of anxiety at the pit of his stomach only grows as he stares at his surroundings. He very quickly realizes that America is gone. In a panic, Russia ran back the way he came, calling out his name, "America!"


Russia yelled again, only for his voice to echo back at him. Russia ran and ran, checking every corner, hoping America was just left behind. God knows what'll happen if anything bad happens to America. One thing for sure, Russia will never forgive himself for it.

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