Keep your spark (Wally x y/n)

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Even if it's hard, even if you think you can't do it; keep your spark.

Wally's keys jingled against the door knob as he tried to twist the door open with one hand. His other hand was holding onto groceries. The lock clicked and he opened the door placing his keys on the table. He turned when he heard paws pattering against the wooden floor bending down still in his kid flash suit. He looked over to see his greyhound racing towards him

"Hey krypto!! Hey boy!!" He grinned at him, getting on his knees and scratching behind his ears affectionately "Where's crasher and thrasher?" He questioned curiously referring to his pit bull and his dachshund. Krypto looked at him before letting out a loud bark. For some reason he seemed rather irritated. That's weird,,he doesn't usually bark like that.. Wally thought to himself

He let out a sigh before looking around the house; his hairs standing on end. Why do I feel anxious?.

"Babe? BABEEEEE?" Wally called out loudly, taking his coat off and putting it on the coat hanger near the door. Walking near the kitchen "babe? I'm back!!" He sighed softly and put the groceries on the table "Is y/n sleep? They never sleep this early.." Krypto began barking loudly tugging on Wally's pants leg. "Krypto! You're gonna rip my suit!!" He noticed once again how irritated krypto was. "Krypto? What's wrong, boy? what happened?"

Krypto ran into Wally's room and Wally's eyes narrowed. He grabbed a bat from the coat rack and slowly began walking towards their room. With every step he took his heartbeat sped up, no matter how fast he could run and no matter how he was used to his heartbeat going naturally fast. He didn't like how fast his heartbeat was at this moment " Sweetheart? Please..fuck answer me" he whispered softly. "Please be okay.." He placed one foot inside of the room and looked around. Gripping the bat tighter, he grimaced at the scene before his eyes. There was glass shards all over the floor, clothes ripped to pieces, and the bed sheets were torn.

Wally took three deep breaths and tried to get his thoughts in order. Alright Wally if someone took them you have nothing to worry about cause you can outrun any vehicle. But, the clues aren't adding up. Our room is the only place that shows any sign of a struggle and knowing y/n they wouldn't go down without a fight. This whole place would be a wreck. He softly chuckled at the thought, before his emerald eyes darted towards the closet. I'm pretty sure I heard something coming from inside our closet. It sounded like a sniffle??

"Babe?" He called out almost anxiously, walking towards the closet before he heard another sniffle. He flung the closet door open and there you were curled into a ball hidden in a dark corner. His eyebrows furrowed with concern and worry. His green eyes shimmered with sadness at seeing your broken state.

"What's wrong with my spitfire?" He whispered softly. Ducking his head and crawling into the closet next to you. He made sure he wasn't touching any part of you; making sure you didn't panic from being touched too quickly.

You slowly looked at him, tears staining your skin. Your chest rose and fell at a rapid pace as if it was trying to keep up with your heartbeat. Your hands shook rapidly as if there was an earthquake inside of your body, a vicious one that wouldn't stop, Tearing apart your whole body. You opened your mouth to speak but no words came out, your mouth felt like sandpaper dry and scratchy. As you kept trying, you began getting irritated. Balling your hands into fists and digging your nails into your wrists.

"Hey, hey! Spitfire it's okay. You don't need to force yourself to speak. Take your time, I can wait as long as you need me too. I'm not going anywhere" Wally slowly placed his hand around your balled fist pulling your nails out of your wrist, proceeding to intertwine your hands.

"Bad day?" he murmured softly, you nodded in confirmation.

"Before we talk about that, I need you to do something for me. Breathe with me, you're breathing too quickly. You're hyperventilating, breathe for me love" He switched positions and instead sat in front of you. Holding onto both of your hands and looking straight into your eyes, Green eyes met beautiful ones.

"Ready? Breathe in, hold it. 1...2...3...4 release. That's it. Good job, my lovely spark. Let's do it again. Breathe in, hold. 1...2...3...4. Now slowly release. I'm so proud of you, look at you doing so well. Let's try one more time. I know you can do that for me. Breathe in, ok that's it hold. 1...2...3..4 slowly release it. Good, good. So proud of you."

As you followed his instructions you'd find that your breathing began to slow. The earthquake inside your body was beginning to disappear. Your breathing finally matched his and he smiled at you bringing you into his arms. His body heat surrounded your cold body and shivering body. His muscles did come in handy when you needed something strong to lay on, and Wally West definitely had the muscles for it

His hands softly rubbed your back. "Now what happened to my spark?" He asked with a soft smile wiping away any other tears that tried to slither their way down your cheeks. His green eyes watched you carefully, shimmering with kindness and love.

"Why,,why do you call me your spark?" You whispered quietly. After a few minutes of silence you assumed he didn't hear you and opened your mouth to speak. A hand ran through your hair and your mouth closed.

"Why do I call you my spark? Because that's what you are babe. You're the spark that keeps me going, the fuel I need to go faster. You give me strength to keep going, to keep trying even when I want to give up. You're the spark that can always ignite the fire in me. My spark, that I love so dearly. " His tone didn't waver, as he spoke from his heart. These weren't the words you were expecting but they were the words you needed to hear. His words seemed to echo around your heart and a large smile made its way onto your expression.

"You're such an is it that you can always make my problems go away. With a dorky smile and those beautiful green eyes."

It seemed that he decided to prove your point giving you a dorky smile and shimmering eyes "Welllll I'm just that fucking sexy..i mean look at me. You see these abs? I'm so sexy" He teased you. Biting his lip playfully and avoiding you smacking at his arm. "Hey! Hey! easy on these beautiful muscles!" Wally said grinning before swooping you up in his arms bridal style and carrying you out of the closet.

"This is how I imagine our wedding day."

You grinned at him with happiness but couldn't but tease him "Coming out of the closet? Wally this isn't the way you should tell someone you're gay..." You teased him.

"what? no no babe that's not what I- i mean i like all genders but I'm not gay? you should know this i told you when we met? I meant carrying you down the isl- you're teasing me aren't you? Don't try to hide that smile now! I see it! " He groaned, throwing you on the bed playfully. Your body hit the covers softly and a laugh erupted from your throat filling the whole room. Wally's eyes focused on you and a soft smile made its way onto his face. You caught his gaze and mirrored it looking at the way his freckles danced across his cheeks and nose. They were like beautiful constellations, more beautiful than the stars.

"Careful, spark. You might fall for me harder" He winked, jumping on the bed and landing next to you. You placed your head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat. Surprisingly, hearing his heartbeat which was faster than the average humans was comforting to you. No matter how fast his heart sped up, it was still your favorite sound in the whole world. He wrapped his arms around you and kissed the top of your head "We don't have to talk about what happened, spark. Not right now. Just know that no matter where you are. No matter how far away. If you need me, I'm there. I'll run and run and run until i get to you, because home is where you are"

Your eyes began to close and you felt something hop on your leg looking over to see crasher and thrasher jumping on your interwined bodies

"Hey! I was looking for you two! You were watching over your mama weren't you?" He said grinning as he rubbed their heads and let them get comfortable. Wally looked over to see krypto by the door whistling for him and patting the bed. 'Here boy!" Krypto jumped near you and sat next to your head. Wally eyes softened at the sight of his family reaching over to the lamp and with a click the room was shrouded in darkness. Wally didn't mind that he had his light in his arms.

"Just remember even if it's hard, even if you think you can't do it, keep your spark." He murmured; before his eyes shut. Breathing mingled together and soon everyone was sound asleep. The moon shined down on these two lovers who could never be separated.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2023 ⏰

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