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As soon as Joshua's alarm went off, his eyes shot up and his beautiful dream was forever interrupted. His beautiful dream about Sunday Mornings. Those were the best mornings in his opinion.

As he freshened up he thought about those eyes that he has never seen before, but that he has been feeling so often lately. Those eyes that he felt, were on him 24/7 non stop. It was starting to actually scare him but he would never ever dare to tell someone. Did he look like he wanted to go to a mental asylum? No. So he has to keep it to himself, besides it's probably nothing to worry about. That's what he kept telling himself every day for the past month. Woah, already a month with absolutely no privacy feeling.

He shoved his Nutella bread into his mouth, as he was already late, and once he was outside, those eyes were back. Fuck. Jisoo hated this feeling more than anything. He didn't get stalking at all. Just talk to the person and stop being a creep. To be honest he could definitely see himself getting killed soon.

He felt very uncomfortable walking to school alone, knowing he could get murdered any second. Well I guess you could call him paranoid, he himself did that too. In fact, Jisoo was a scaredy-cat. Things crept him out fast and he over exaggerated quickly, like when he kept telling himself he was going to get killed soon.

Once he reached school, he let out a sigh. "Shua! Where have you been? I almost got fucking caught while smoking..."


It was Heeseung, my very best friend, since childhood.

"Now why is it my fault, that you almost got caught smoking? Did you at least leave sum weed for me?" Heeseung grabbed into his pockets and pulled out the said substance. "Take it and then lets leave this school, before some teacher comes up and puts us back into class"

I did what he said and we quickly went through the mass of students going into their classes. Jungkook and Taehyung, my other two friends were probably in this big mass. They were good students, not like me and Heeseung. I was still barely passing, cause I was naturally smart and could remember stuff easily, but Hee will probably fail this year.

We walked a bit, because we wanted to go to our friend group's meeting spot, but Heeseung suddenly got a call.

"Oh, excuse me for a second, it's my mom.." He walked a way a few steps and started talking to his mother. I didn't really care, so I took out my phone and checked notifications. Nothing new, just the usual.

After 3 minutes, Heeseung grabbed my attention again. He was yelling... He was arguing with his mother, which was weird. Heeseung never fought with his mom, only with his father. With the hope, that it's nothing serious, I looked back at my phone, until he was finished.

"Shua, I am very sorry. My mom needs me to come home, I have to help her with something. Let's call today evening tho, eh?" "Oh, don't worry, your mom goes first. You can just call me whenever you're free, you know I don't have anything else to do!" I laughed as we went into a goodbye hug. "Well, see you later, Shua!"

I decided, to still go to our meet up spot, cause I really wanted to read this book and in that place you could almost see the whole city, which is really refreshing.

Once I was up tho, the first thing I did, was smoking weed. 'God, this feels just right' I thought to myself. while I looked down the streets of my hometown, my thoughts kept going back and forth between those eyes and the book, I took with me.

The second, I was done smoking, I sat on the small mat, we placed here a while ago. I don't know how many times this has gone soaking wet or even flew off the roof. We once actually found it on the streets after a big storm. I grabbed out my book and started reading. I didn't even notice it was getting dark, until I could not read anymore, due to the darkness.

I put my stuff back into my bag and got out my phone. 8:32pm. Well, it was summer so the sun went down later. I slipped down the ladder and started my way home.

While walking by a dark alleyway, I heard weird noises coming from it, causing me to stop. I looked into it but couldn't really see anything, Just as I was about to keep walking I heard a loud scream out of it. I froze.

My mind was telling me to run, but my heart told me to see what's happening and help the screaming person, if they need help. My naive self of course followed my heart and I slowly approached the darkness. As I got closer, I could see a woman, a man and a baby with 4 men with guns.

The woman was dead, shot through the heart, the man was kneeling in front of the culprits and one of them had the baby in his hand.

"Please don't hurt my child!" The man shouted out. This definitely was not my business, so I slowly walked back and hid behind a wall, taking out my phone from my pockets. Unlucky me dropped it tho, because my hands were shaking so much. My head shot up but, luckily it seems that no one noticed me yet.

"You should have thought about that before stealing from us" one of the men spoke up. He whispered something to the one that was holding the baby and before I could even think about what he got told, the baby was shot dead. This was cruel. How could you kill a baby.

I backed up more and when I knew I was wide enough away for them to hear me, I started running. I started sobbing and didn't stop running until I reached my apartment block. Before going in, I calmed down a bit, just in case I met someone inside.

That of course didn't happen and I reached my apartment without more struggles. Once I shut the door, I feel to my knees and started sobbing uncontrollably.

After a bit I calmed down and wanted to take out my phone to get my mind somewhere else, but I couldn't find it. Then it hit me. I dropped it and forgot to pick it back up. It's still in the alleyway. Let's hope, no one finds it and it is still there tomorrow

I was mentally so exhausted and before I could even think of what to do now, I fell asleep on the kitchen floor.


The man was also shot dead quickly after. Jeonghan, the leader, let his men dispose of the corpses, as he went to walk out of the alleyway. His eyes were glued to the ground, when he suddenly spotted something. A Phone. The mafia boss picked it up and took a look at it. Once he turned it on, he knew exactly, whose phone it was. "So you witnessed everything, my Jisoo.." he said as he smirked and put the phone into his pockets, walking back to his car.


!! I originally only wrote this for fun and had no intentions of publishing it and I am not experienced with drugs so there may be issues about that !!

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