The Years Of My Life EP 2 (uncut)

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Disclaimer: Here we are again-if you made it through the last chapters' chaos then good on you. If there are any typos or anything I can't fix it since it's the edited version. 

Guess it's time for more chaos soooo let's go

Season 1 Episode 2

Asriel : inner monologue So starts another day of this new experience called school . Yesterday was quite eventful, I had fun. I wonder what today will hold?


Asriel : Who is it?

Mom : I don't know someone claiming to be your twin

Asriel : It can't be?? ...or could it??

Asriel : *slides down the stair's railing*

*Asriel sees morgana at the door*

Morgana : hiyaaaaa

Asriel : How'd you find out where I live

Morgana : well one I AM THE FORCE two I put a tracking device on ya

Asriel : WHAT!?!?

Morgana : what can I say I was raised in a bunker I'm paranoid


Morgana : c'mon get your socks on a school must be conquered

Morgana : also I think there's a elf in my garden

Asriel : of course you do

Asriel : I'll be back

*Asriel gets ready and heads off*

Morgana : So um follow up question is your dad a leprechaun?

Asriel : I don't think so

Morgana : Follow follow up question, is your brother single?

Asriel : WHAT!?!?

Morgana : I'm kidding I'm not gonna go and start singing my best friends brother

Asriel : oh phew your the first person to say that

*at school*

Malu : Hey, did you see AJ this morning?

Rain : no you?

Malu : I wouldn't be asking if I knew

Rain : Don't get all sarcastic on me

Malu : I don't have a choice do I?

Malu : you make it easier to use it

Charlotte : hey guys you see AJ

Malu : nah bro

Rain : we haven't seen pretty boy

Charlotte : I wonder where he is

They all hear keys from a keyboard clicking*

Malu : I might have an idea

They go into newspaper room*

AJ : Hey sisters and ugly person. Sup?

Malu : dude how long have you been here

AJ : since like 3 am

AJ: I've been working on the perfect story for this week's paper

Charlotte : oh god please don't tell me it's about-

Aj : area 51 bitches

Malu : dude seriously don't ya think you're taking this out of proportion

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